A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

Since the start of the pandemic, the purpose of my messages was to connect us all, to give you information, and to remind everyone that we are going through this together. We are heading towards the right direction with the three approved vaccines to help fight this virus: Pfizer, Moderna and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Below, I have listed COVID-19 Vaccine resources to help our community.






At this time, individuals 60 and over, healthcare personnel, Teachers and Child Care Workers, Public Transit Workers, Grocery Store Workers, Hotel Workers, People with Qualifying Comorbidities and conditions, Residents and Staff at Long Term Care Facilities, Residents and Staff in Congregate Settings, First Responders and Corrections Workers, Restaurant Workers and Restaurant Delivery Workers, as well as For-hire Vehicle Drivers are eligible to receive the vaccine. Today, public-facing government and public employees, not-for-profit workers who provide public-facing services to New Yorkers in need and Essential in-person public-facing building service workers will become eligible.


To see if you may be eligible to receive and make an appointment at a New York State-run vaccination site visit the State’s Covid-19 webpage, https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/ or download the Am I Eligible App.


Also, you can check the below pharmacies and hospitals to see if you are eligible to make an appointment.


We will continue to provide information as it becomes available. We need to remain vigilant and continue to wear face masks, social distance, and wash our hands to protect us.


Thank you for your cooperation and please stay safe.


-Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi