A Message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi, 5/30/20

A message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi

May 30, 2020

Hello this is Linda Puglisi and this weekend will be the beginning of June. We’ve all been going through these trying times of the pandemic since early March. After three months of staying home and social distancing, which we need to continue doing, the numbers of COVID-19 cases and of other factors are going down and in the right direction. Therefore, the first phase of reopening started this Tuesday in our area and region according to the Governor. This first phase includes construction work, manufacturing, retail curbside pick-up and wholesale trade. Please go to the Town’s website or to New York Forward (https://forward.ny.gov/) to learn more about the four phases of reopening. 

Town department heads and I along with the Town Board are making plans for our full re-entry into the offices in the next couple of weeks. All others have been working remotely or rotating into town offices. All of your issues or questions have been responded to on an ongoing basis during these weeks. On this unprecedented journey that we’ve gone through together and the difficult paths we’ve gone down over these three months, we ask ourselves how will we return? What will our new lives be like? We’ll be able to express ourselves once again with a hug, a handshake or a small touch on the shoulder? We don’t have those answers, we’ll have to take it slowly, still being very cautious. However, I believe that we have learned something about ourselves and about each other, the pace of life has slowed and that’s good. We’ve reached out more to our neighbors with a simple, how are you today? We’ve looked inside ourselves to ask what’s really important and reflect on what we can do to make life better even if it’s in a small way.

I’m excited to see what we will become as we re-enter. I do know this, that our Cortlandt community is resilient, patient, capable and very compassionate. I think about all of our young people, our children and grandchildren and what they will become in the future having had the strength to go through these difficult times. I can’t wait to watch them grow. And to our graduates, congratulations! We are very proud of you and best of luck in your future endeavors. I always tell you how much I love Cortlandt and all of you and I do. Let’s see what more we can do and achieve together. You are all inspiring, thank you very much.