Reusable Shopping Bag Giveaway sponsored by the CAC
Sunday, March 1st, 10am at ShopRite on Rte. 6

The Town of Cortlandt and its all volunteer Conservation Advisory Council, in partnership with ShopRite on Route 6 (3140 East Main Street, Cortlandt Manor) will sponsor a reusable bag giveaway at the store on Sunday, March 1st beginning at 10:00 a.m. (while supplies last). This is the fourth year that the Town is partnering with ShopRite on this giveaway, which is normally held on or near Earth Day. This year, the Conservation Advisory Council will move the event earlier, holding it instead on the day that a New York State law goes into effect banning single-use plastic bags. Their goal is to put the reusable bags in the hands of as many shoppers as possible so that they are ready for the change. 

According to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, New Yorkers use 23 billion plastic bags annually. Cortlandt’s Conservation Advisory Council has spent the last several years drawing attention to the impact that single-use plastic shopping bags have on our waterways, our wildlife, and our own health. The CAC was formed to ensure the preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural and man-made environment in the Town in the face of urbanization and the accompanying demands on natural resources.


Cortlandt Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi notes that “the Town of Cortlandt has been deeply committed to the environment and to making sure that the Town and its residents are doing their part to reduce harm to our planet. We applaud New York State for passing this law to ban plastic shopping bags, which pollute our environment and are detrimental to the health of our people and our wildlife. I am proud that our town’s Conservation Advisory Council has taken leadership in helping to educate our community and provide residents with an alternative solution to carrying out their items in plastic.”


Tips for Consumers (from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation website As a consumer, you can help and BYO BAG - Bring Your Own Bag. Keep reusable bags in your car, or clip folding reusable bags onto your commuting bag or purse so you always have them handy. If you store them near the door or coat closet, you'll be more likely to remember them on the way out. Remember that every time you use a reusable bag, you are doing your part to prevent litter and waste. Using reusable bags makes sense and is the right thing to do. You can also remind your family, friends, and neighbors to bring their reusable bags whenever they shop.