A Message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi, 6/20/20

A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

June 20, 2020

Hello this is Linda Puglisi, once again to share with you some information and to connect with all of you and our families. Thank you for listening to my messages. We will be entering into the State’s phase three out of the four phases in this COVID-19 recovery on Tuesday.

This is very good news and it means that everything we all have been doing: staying home, wearing masks in public and social distancing has worked. However, we still need to take those strong actions to continue to stop the spread; it’s not completely over.  In phase three, restaurants can open indoor seating and continue with their outside dining. More businesses and stores can open, etc. Please support our local businesses and restaurants as they re-open. These four months have been very difficult for them. Our Town has been giving them assistance with important information and will expedite the process for their re-openings.

We are very pleased to tell you that we can now open our playgrounds, the dog park off of Sprout Brook Road and miniature golf at the pool campus where our new bath house is still under construction. I told you last week, this needed construction project had to take a three month pause as per the Governor’s executive orders and therefore is a major factor in the pool not opening unfortunately this year. However, the Town with its recreation department are working on several activities for our families this summer season including a drive-in movie on Saturday, July 11 at the lower level of the Cortlandt Train Station. It’s free, no charge, bring your own snacks and the movie will be The Lion King. I can’t wait to see it, a movie for all ages so join us and enjoy with your family. Check out our website for more details. We will also hold three outdoor summer concerts which we do each year by the Town’s Waterfront Park near the Hudson River. Once again, there is no charge, just bring a beach chair, wear your mask and social distance. It’s always a lot of fun.

Sunday is Father’s Day, I told you dads we would talk about how important this special day is when we congratulated the moms on Mother’s Day. So here we are and I want to say how important you are in your children’s lives. I meet so many remarkable fathers in our community and I see the pride, joy and love they have for their children, their sons and daughters. I meet them at sporting events, as scout leaders, at your children’s concerts or just out and about in the community. They provide not only love, encouragement but protection and security, as well, along with the wonderful mothers.

My own father passed away many years ago and I miss him all the time.  He was a great man and father and was a social studies high school teacher and a college professor for history, his  love and his passion. My dad was also a Marine in World War II and taught me to always respect and give thanks to our Veterans, our men and women, which I have tried my best to do in his memory. My father loved me and my two sisters unconditionally and that knowledge has stayed with me my whole life, as I know love from your fathers are with you as well.

Dads, your love that you give to your children will never be forgotten and is your legacy. We’ve had so many changes to our lives in the last four months but as everything starts to re-open I believe we’ll be able to look back and appreciate all that we have. We all have become closer and as we look back on these very difficult days we can reflect upon that we were able to get through it together. Stronger, better, kinder and perhaps a little bit wiser than ever before. So please continue to be very careful and we will heal together. Thank you once again to everyone on the front-line taking care of us. Love you all, love you dads and always I love our Cortlandt community, thank you.