RE: Port Cortlandt

            If you have read about a proposed wind turbine and manufacturing project, Port Cortlandt, we want to point out that this is a PRIVATE COMPANY and a PRIVATE PROJECT, not a Town of Cortlandt project.

            They are using the name Cortlandt in their application which is currently before NYSERDA in the State because they want to use twenty (20) plus acres owned by the Town along the Hudson River in the hamlet of Verplanck.

            Currently, this project is a concept and this company is vying to be selected by NYSERDA in a request for proposal (RFP) in order to proceed. 

            The Town Board has NOT given any approval nor have we voted on this proposal.

            If this concept progresses and if AKRF, Inc. (the company) does receive the RFP, then there would be many, opportunities for the public to comment at information meetings and at public hearings.

            The Town Board and I have many questions that need to be fully answered as the representatives of the community, as will the public.

            We hope this clarifies this proposal and most importantly it is a PRIVATE COMPANY PROPOSAL.


Thank you,

Supervisor Puglisi and

The Town Board:

Richard H. Becker

Debra A. Costello

James F. Creighton

Francis X. Farrell