A Message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi, 6/13/20

A message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi

June 13, 2020

Hello this is Linda Puglisi, it’s been an honor coming into your homes each week with messages for you and for your family. We’ve been through a lot together over the past almost 4 months now. I’ve wanted to give you information that I’ve received on COVID-19. To keep us connected and to give you updates on what the Town Board and I have been working on, which included some of the very difficult decisions we’ve had to make all due to the coronavirus. Keeping everyone informed and safe have been the priorities during these unprecedented times. Our Town Board members are Frank Farrell, Richard Becker, Debra Costello and James Creighton. We’ve been holding many meetings via zoom and will continue to do so through June as per the directions of the Governor. 

I want to remind you that our sanitation and recycling schedules have gone back to the normal pick-ups prior to the pandemic. This information and other notices are all up on our various town website, thank you for your cooperation over these past months. The governor announced on Tuesday that our area has now entered into phase two. There are four faces of re-entry, the second phase includes the opening of administration and corporate offices, restaurant outdoor seating, some retails, barbers and hair salons (thankfully) and several others. Check out New York Forward website (HTTPS://FORWARD.NY.GOV/) for details. 

Over the last week, I had the pleasure of attending two car parades for graduating high school seniors from the Lakeland and Hendrick Hudson School Districts. They were terrific, the cars were decorated in school colors with signs of which college or university they would be attending or in other fields. Proud parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers lined the streets with the car horns honking. I love the enthusiasm of all involved and wish them all continued success as they go into their next journey. 

Next week, I’ll tell you more about activities we are planning for our families for the summer. Now, I’d like to remind everyone that Sunday, June 14th is Flag Day. The flag being a symbol of our democracy, liberties and of our freedoms. Important freedoms we cherish such as freedom of speech, freedom to congregate and others. These are the rights and freedoms men and women have fought for in battles and wars over many years, decades and centuries. Their courage and sacrifices allow that today citizens can raise their voices to be heard for equality and respect for all. As I said last week, we need more work in our nation to achieve these goals and we must. Our flags in town are lowered upon the county’s request in memory of those who have passed from COVID-19 including some from our community, we bow our heads in their memory. Thank you very much and as always, I say I love this Cortlandt community and all of you, please continue to stay safe.