Storm Update from Supervisor Linda Puglisi 8/7/20

Update from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

August 7, 2020  - Tropical Storm Isaias recovery efforts


The Con Edison restoration process in the Town continues at a very slow pace.  On the daily Con Edison call this morning they have indicated that additional crews have been arriving into the Westchester area.  The clear and cutting crews will continue to clear areas so that the restoration process can begin and so our crews can open up the roads. This is the update on the restoration process. The Town cannot remove a tree until the Con Edison clear and cut crew has been there to shut off the electricity.  There are currently 3000 residents in Cortlandt without power and 34 Town roads that are closed waiting for Con Edison to respond. Please be careful in these areas.  We are posting the road closure information daily.  Con Edison’s restoration timeframe continues to be on average Sunday or Monday evening at 11:00pm. Some restoration of internet service has taken place in the last 24 hours.  I am hopeful that more will take place this weekend. The Town government has Wifi available at the Town Hall that can be accessed in the parking lot and also in the Town Hall courtyard. Network and password information is posted outside of the Town Hall on the doors. 

Please note, we have received reports of Con Edison employees and contractors telling residents that they are waiting on Town staff to complete work in order for them to begin the restoration process.  This is NOT the case.  They are never waiting on the Town.  We are waiting on them.  I have made this known to the Con Edison Public Affairs Manager and have asked them to instruct their staff to provide correct information. 

Stay safe and I will continue to advocate on your behalf to Con Edison.  Thank you.

Supervisor Linda Puglisi