A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi 10/20/20

To: the Cortlandt Community


            Please everyone continue to stay SAFE and to wear the face masks when in the public. Positive cases are on the rise to some degree in New York State and in Westchester County this Fall. Also, we are now in the Flu Season so if possible please get your flu shots. Over the past 8 ½ months there have been 1,033 positive cases and unfortunately some have passed away, as well in Cortlandt.

            We are in sympathy with all of those families who lost loved ones during this pandemic. Let’s continue to be vigilant to fight this COVID-19 Virus as we hope that there will be a tested vaccine very soon.

            Thank you all! For any questions, contact the Westchester County Department of Health at (914) 813-5000 or visit https://health.westchestergov.com/2019-novel-coronavirus.  

-Supervisor Linda Puglisi