YC Fall Fun

Hello Parents,

We hope this email finds you and your family doing well and adjusting to your family’s new schedules. The Youth Center is OPEN for youth in Grades 6th – 12th. Pre-registration is required, there is no more drop-off program.

Our after school sessions will be done by a monthly lottery. The due date for the October lottery is this Sunday, September 13th.

Our Friday night and Saturday programming will begin next Friday, September 18th. Pre-registration is required 48 hours in advance.

Please visit our website at www.townofcortlandt.com/yc and click the image for the information you are interested in learning more about. We understand it is a lot of information. Please take your time to read through it and let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help you and are happy to do so. 


Our Website Has Information On:

1. Our new hours of operation

2. Break down of different scenarios for the fall

3. Lists upcoming programs and courses 

4. Explains our new “YC Lottery” system

5. Operation Snowflake Information

6. Fall Parent Survey (if you haven’t taken it yet we encourage you to do so)

7. And so much more!


Registration for our September programs, Fall Courses & Operation Snowflake is now open! Go to www.townofcortlandt.com/reconline to register. October, November and December online registration will be available one month at a time. Monthly emails will go out to show/remind parents of what the upcoming month’s schedule will look like.  

Thank you for your understanding, patience and feedback. We are looking forward to seeing your kiddos soon!


Katherine & Lindsey


Katherine Sclafani, CPRP, Town of Cortlandt Youth Center Director

Lindsey Luposello, Town of Cortlandt Youth Center Assistant Director 

O: 914-736-0498 

Kat’s Email: katherines@townofcortlandt.com

Lindsey’s Email: lluposello@townofcortlandt.com