Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
January 2023 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Happy New Year!  2023 looks to be a good year. We have many exciting things planned for this year. We hope to get the park project going. There are two streets where we are going to replace the water mains and repave the roads. We are looking forward to completing

phase one of the Streetscape Project. The Streetscape Project will be a big improvement to the general business district in downtown Harvey Cedars. The project will not only improve the look of the downtown area, but it will also make it much safer for pedestrian foot


I want to remind you to make sure your house is prepared for the cold winter weather. Remember to turn off and drain your outside showers. Many people drain their homes and turn the water off at the meter.  If you don’t turn the water off, set the heat high enough to keep 

the pipes from freezing.  Trying to save a few dollars by keeping the heat low could cost you thousands of dollars in water damage from broken pipes.

Again, I want to wish you a happy New Year.  Looking forward to another great year in Harvey Cedars.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

Happy New Year!  As we move into a new year, we begin work on the 2023 annual budget.  The finance department is working hard to keep expenses down and no/minimal tax increase.

The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee would like to thank everyone that purchased merchandise during the holiday season! Your purchases will help the HCAC fund all of our events throughout the summer. Check out the online storefront by clicking here

                                                                                    Have a safe and healthy New Year. 

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself, Police Chief Burnaford,  Beach Patrol Chief Townsend, and all of our staff, we wish everyone a great, safe, Happy (and healthy) New Year.
The beginning of December brought incredible pride to Harvey Cedars when, as a result of 6 HCPD Community Forums,  the New Jersey State Legislature passed and presented to Harvey Cedars a Joint Resolution of the State Senate and the General Assembly

recognizing the Harvey Cedars Police Department as being “highly esteemed in Ocean County and throughout the Garden State.”  It further stated that the HCPD: “has set a standard of excellence and established a model to emulate through its trailblazing

Community Forums Initiative.”  The State Resolution, sponsored by Senator Connors, Assemblywoman Gove, and Assemblyman Rumpf, also praised the members of the HCPD as “individuals of strong character and uncommon determination.” The N.J. Joint

Resolution concluded by calling the Harvey Cedars Police Department “a leader in the State” and the legislature paid tribute to its “exemplary officers.” The full Resolution is pasted at the bottom of this email. Congratulations to every member of the HCPD.
We would like to thank everyone who brought toys to Borough Hall for the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation “Fill A Patrol Car” Toy Drive to benefit CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates.) Through your generosity, the goal was more than met  - the Patrol Car was

stuffed with toys when they were delivered for the children at CASA. 
The Sandpaper recently did an article regarding the volunteer Fire and First Aid responders who service Harvey Cedars and how we as residents can contribute time and money for their support. The full article can be read at Sandpaper Link  Many thanks to the Harvey

Cedars Taxpayers Association (HCTA) and the Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations (JCTA) for their work in publicizing the need for us to support our volunteers.
A reminder to be careful when walking the boulevard in the dark. Even with lighter clothing, it may be hard for cars to see you on the boulevard. Harvey Cedars residents can pick up free reflectors to be worn for your safety at our Police Station. These “High Reflective

Visibility Reflector Bands for the Wrist, Arm, or Leg”  can be worn as you walk or run, enhancing your visibility and safety.  If you are one of the hearty souls out there walking or running in the dark, pick one up, and be safe!

Here is the full New Jersey State Legislature "Joint Legislative Resolution” praising the HCPD.:
Police letter.jpg