Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
December 2022 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

The holiday season is just around the corner, and we have been hustling and bustling around town to put up decorations.  We have also been working on the Borough Hall - the clock tower was in disrepair and many of the trim boards were rotten.  Repairing and replacing rotten boards is a slow process and it is much like renovating your home while you are living in it. Our team is doing a great job. When the work is completed, you will see a major improvement in the appearance of the Borough Hall.  

The Public Works Department continues to repair the beaches and we are trying to provide access for everyone.  We are really struggling from Essex Avenue down to Atlantic Avenue as there is so little sand in that area to fix the accesses.  The minute we push up some sand, the next high tide takes it out.  I was on the phone this morning with the Army Corps of Engineers and was reminded that, during the government’s budgeting time, it is necessary to let our representative know our need for beach renourishment.

There was ice on the puddles outside this morning and I want to remind everyone to shut off all outside showers and spigots.  You will also want to make sure your sprinkler systems are blown out.  Water leaks are common when it gets cold, and a leak can cause a significant amount of damage.

The Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association is launching a membership drive. I have attached information on how to become a part of the association.  We are continuing to work together on the commemorative brick project at Sunset Park.

I wish you all a wonderful Holiday season.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

Water bills are currently being processed and will be mailed out shortly. If you are interested in signing up for direct debit for future billings, click here.  Included with your water billing will be the 2023 recycling and trash schedule.

On behalf of the Harvey Cedars Activity Committee, we want to thank everyone for your donations and support this year!  Every event hosted by the HCAC is fully funded by donations and orchestrated by our wonderful volunteers.

If you are looking for a Harvey Cedars holiday gift, stop by Borough Hall! There is a wide assortment of merchandise available for purchase. The HCAC is selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, lanterns, tote bags, hats, and Harvey Cedars wine glasses. More colors and sizes are available on the HCAC storefront. Click here to shop.

Holiday beach badges are available for purchase now at Borough Hall. Each badge is $35 and can be used for the 2023 season. Order forms can be found by clicking here. Gift boxes can be purchased for an additional $2.

Keep an eye out for Santa on December 19th! Santa will be starting at Tidal Drive and heading south on the Boulevard starting at 6PM. If you would like to request a present from Santa, please contact the Fire Chief at (609) 494-9169 or email him with the address, age, and gender of the child.  

A new activity will be coming to town next year. The Harvey Cedars Police Foundation is pleased to announce their first Annual Casino Night.  A night of food, drinks, gambling and prizes on April 22nd, 2023 from 6pm to 10pm at the High Point Fire Company Firehouse.    Portions of the proceeds will go to the Fire Company and Scholarships for outgoing High School Seniors.  Stay tuned for more details to come in 2023!

Happy holidays from the Finance Department! 

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself and Chief Burnaford we want to wish all a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year. Speaking of the holidays, be sure to look for Officers from the Harvey Cedars Police Department on Monday night December 19th, as they assist our Fire Company with escorting Santa around town.

We can all be Santa and bring cheer for the holidays: from November 23rd - December 14th, The Harvey Cedars Police Foundation and The Harvey Cedars Police Department will once again be sponsoring the “Fill A Patrol Car” Toy Drive to benefit CASA. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates which helps neglected and fostered children right here in Ocean County. CASA assists children with continuing their education, emotional support, and providing any medical attention needed. You can find more information at

Last year our generous residents more than filled the police car, it overflowed!  I know that this year will be just as successful. Anyone interested can bring a new unwrapped toy for children from the ages of 3 -17 years old and bring the toys to the lobby at the Harvey Cedars Borough Hall. Any questions, please contact Sgt. Kevin Snow at

Also, last year, Harvey Cedars began a tradition, initiated by Harvey Cedars’ own Dave Burns, of using home holiday lighting to honor EMT workers, police, firefighters, and the military. Residents are again encouraged to put up red, white, and blue lights: Red to honor firefighters; White to honor First Aid workers; and Blue to honor the Police.

In November we held the final HCPD Community Forum for the year, with Officers Nick D’Andrea and Chris Oldham presenting First Aid and more. Over the series of six Community Forums every member of the HCPD presented their background and expertise to the community. I want to thank them and all of the Harvey Cedars residents who participated and made this series such a terrific success. More such community forums are being planned for next year, including the Harvey Cedars Beach Patrol.

"LET-IT-GROW” aka “No Shave NOVEMBER” is over and I want to thank all the officers and others who participated, and especially thank those who made generous donations to "David's Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation” or their own favorite charity.