Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
May 2023 Hometown News

Oh Deer!  
New visitors have arrived on the island just ahead of the busy season.  The dear are a first time sighting for many long time residents.  
Photo taken by Marc Proetto.

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

I’d like to congratulate Daina Dale, our Municipal Clerk on her retirement.  Daina served as the Municipal Clerk for the borough for over 20 years, she’s worn many different hats during her tenure and has contributed to the town and its residents in countless ways.  We wish her much health and happiness in her retirement.  She will always be a valued member to the Harvey Cedars Community.  


It will not be long until summer is upon us, and we will be enjoying all that Harvey Cedars has to offer. Public Works is working hard to be ready for Memorial Day and the kickoff of our summer season. The team is hard at work on the beach - pushing up the dunes, clearing entrance ways, and rebuilding the entrance ways which were destroyed by the winter northeast storms. We have been working with the State Department of Environmental Protection to reconstruct the entranceways. We have a lot to accomplish prior to everyone returning, but our goal is to have everything rebuilt by Memorial Day weekend.


I want to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers who have been working with me to improve the landscaping at Borough Hall and Sunset Park. Everyone has been so helpful and, if you look around, you will notice the improvement.  A loving hand makes a real difference. Volunteerism is alive and well in Harvey Cedars and our town is better because of all that you do. See picture below.



We need to make a big push to jump start the Sunset Park Point memorial paver project. We have reached the halfway mark and need to get the word out to push this project over the finish line. If you have not joined the project yet, or know of someone who would like to purchase a memorial brick, take a minute to help us complete this project quickly.   Click here for link     


The streetscapes project is in final review with the Department of Transportation. We need their final blessing before we can enter the bidding process with contractors. This project will be a great improvement to our downtown business district. I am looking forward to improved safety along with a contiguous walking path for pedestrians. This is not to mention how much better the downtown will look for years to come. I will keep you posted as we progress. You should see construction begin this fall.


The beach renourishment project is still online for the fall or early winter. The beaches look good on the north and south end of town. However, the middle of town is compromised, and this summer will be difficult for everyone to navigate the beach. I will keep you posted as things develop surrounding the renourishment of our beaches. 


Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice


The second quarter tax payments are currently due.  If you forgot, don't worry!  There is a 10-day grace period.  If you are interested in signing up for the direct debit program, please fill out the form in the following link and return it to our CFO Rebecca Wessler. Click here for Direct Debit Form Link


Since adopting the budget at the last meeting, the Borough has received two grant awards.  The annual COPS in Shops grant was awarded to our police department in the amount of $1,440.  The Borough also received $70,000 in the FY2023 Local Recreation Improvement Grant.  Bill and the public works department are in the process of getting bids to help improve our beloved Sunset Park.


The 2023 Pickleball Badges are now on sale at Borough Hall.  Residents can come in with their 2023 seasonal beach badge to get their personal pickleball badge.  There is a limit of six (6) per household.  For nonresidents, a seasonal badge is $100.  If you have a 2022 pickleball badge, please bring it to Borough Hall during borough hours for renewal along with this year’s beach badge. 


The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee will be meeting this month to finalize the details of our summer events. Click here to take a look at the events calendar for 2023. The physical copy of the calendar will be sent out with the utility bills in June and will be available in borough hall in the upcoming weeks. 


When you stop in to borough hall this month to pick-up your beach badges, check out the new merchandise and clearance sale going on! All sales benefit the events that our HCAC sponsors throughout the year. If you can't make it into the borough hall or would like retired design, click here to visit our online store. 


Thank you to all who have donated so far to the September 2nd fireworks show! The fireworks t-shirt is now available for purchase. This t-shirt will be a limited print so grab it while you can. 





Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale


First let us offer our sincere thanks and best wishes to our retired Borough Clerk, Daina Dale. Daina has been an amazing asset for Harvey Cedars for so many years. She will be missed and we wish her the best in whatever her future holds. Also, we want to congratulate Anna Grimste on becoming the new Harvey Cedars Municipal Clerk. We are extremely fortunate to have Anna step into this new role. 


The Harvey Cedars Public Safety Community Forums resume on Thursday, May 25th at 5 p.m. at Borough Hall with the Harvey Cedars Beach Patrol Community Forum, led by Chief of Beach Operations Randy Townsend. Modeled on the very successful HCPD Community Forums, which were recognized and honored by the N.J. State Legislature, the HC Beach Patrol Community Forum will cover such things as Chief Townsends’ background, the HCBP Organization Chart, responsibilities of the Chief of Beach Operations, lifeguard qualifications and responsibilities, beach-badge checkers, responsibilities of the public, and more.


Beach badges are available for purchase daily at Borough Hall, from 8:30 until 4:00. The Beach Badge booth in Sunset Park will open for sales on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, May 27th between the hours of 10am and 1pm.


The HCPD has once again received a grant of $1,440 for the “Cops in Shops” Program, which monitors alcohol purchases by minors. The HCPD continues to apply for and receive grants such as this so that we may run specialized programs without impacting our budget.


The HCPD participated in the DEA  “Operation Take Back” in April, during which residents could bring in unused, expired and unneeded medications for safe disposal. Don’t forget that we have a permanent prescription drug collection box in our Boro Hall for all to use 24/7/365.


In April we introduced an ordinance to ban gas-powered compressors from construction sites. The new requirement adds gas-powered compressors to the existing ban on gas-powered generators. We will also be preparing a new set of instructions for all builders, contractors, and anyone who comes in for a permit, detailing all of the Borough’s rules for construction sites, including the new gas-powered restrictions, but also laying out in detail such requirements as dumpsters being covered at all times. Contractors will be required to sign and acknowledge receipt of such requirements. I want to thank Chief Burnaford, Zoning Official Ceci Morillo and Construction Official Sean MacCotter for their work on this, and especially the residents who bring these ideas and issues to my attention. 


Thank you to all who attended and supported the very successful Casino Night fundraiser for the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation and High Point Vol. Fire Company. President of the Foundation, Sergeant Kevin Snow, and Foundation Trustee CFO Rebecca Wessler along with many others did a wonderful job organizing the event!! We look forward to making it an annual event.

Traffic light activation date is set for Monday May 22nd and the speed limits are reduced around this time period. Please, as always, drive carefully. 

And finally, I want to thank Chief Burnaford and HCPD Chaplain Wes Smith for attending, and representing Harvey Cedars, at the Second Annual Ocean County PeaceKeepers and Prayer Leaders Luncheon. This luncheon brought law enforcement leaders as well as faith based leaders together to continue to build great relationships.