Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
January 2022 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

The new year opened up with a big snow storm.  It is hard to believe we went from 62 degrees on Sunday to 6 inches of snow on Monday.  The team did a good job getting the roads cleaned up and access to the hydrants.  This was the first northeast storm of the year.  We have our fingers crossed that we will not have significant beach erosion as the months go by.

This month we will be finishing up the water services on North Holly Avenue, as long as weather permits.  They just completed the directional drill from Bay Terrace to 84th Street.  Our team will be connecting the water main on each end.  This will make a big improvement to the water pressure out on Bay Terrace and also increase the water flow.

The bid was just awarded for the water drainage on North Holly and Essex Avenue.  The repaving of North Holly and a portion of Essex Avenue will take place this spring.  This project will make a big difference, and we are looking forward to having the road paved and the project completed.

Agnello’s By the Cove just opened up on the corner of Camden and the Boulevard.  It is great to see two young guys take initiative, and open up a new business in town. I encourage you to stop in, it will be an encouragement to them.  We wish them well.  They will do a great job.

Happy New Year to all.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

As a new year begins, we are starting to work on the 2022 annual budget.  The finance department is working hard to keep expenses down and no/minimal tax increase.  

The Borough received the first of three expected FEMA reimbursements at the end of December for the February 2021 winter storm Orlena.  The Public Works secretary, Briana, is diligently working at gathering all the necessary documentation to be finalized.

This summer season we have a full concert schedule, craft shows, and annual arts festival. The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee is collaborating with the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation to expand the Kids Night in the Park and a fun new event in October. Full details will be available as summer approaches. The HCAC is always looking for new volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of the committee, please reach out to Christine at

Have a safe and healthy New Year.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself, Police Chief Burnaford,  Beach Patrol Chief Townsend, and all of our staff, we wish everyone a great, safe, Happy (and healthy) New Year.

First, we would like to thank everyone who brought toys to Borough Hall for the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation “Fill A Patrol Car” Toy Drive to benefit CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates.) Through your generosity, the goal was more than met  - the Patrol Car was stuffed with toys when they were delivered for the children at CASA.

With the days short in the Winter, we see many people walking the boulevard in the dark - wearing dark clothes! Not a good idea, and even with lighter clothing, it may be hard for cars to see you on the boulevard. To that end, the HCPD has acquired “High Reflective Visibility Reflector Bands for Wrist, Arm, or Leg.” These bands can be worn as you walk or run, enhancing your visibility and safety. Any Harvey Cedars resident can pick one of these Reflectors up, for free, at Borough Hall. If you are one of the hearty souls out there walking or running in the dark, pick one up, and be safe!

DID YOU KNOW?  Continuing the “Did You Know?” section, Did You Know that through a recent and generous donation of a Drone from Benée Scola, Owner/Broker of Record of Benée Scola & Company, Realtors, right here in Harvey Cedars, the Harvey Cedars Police Department is now able to add this element of policing. Drone usage in law enforcement has become increasingly more useful in the last few years. Some of the ways in which the department will use this is for assisting with locating missing persons, taking aerial photography of various crime scenes, accident scenes, planned events, and the marketing of our department’s social media platforms, to name just a few.
We are very thankful for Benée for thinking of our Police Department and we really appreciate the great working relationships we have with all of our local businesses. The Harvey Cedars business community is a great, integral part of our town. Each and every one of them deserve our support.