Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
July 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Happy 4th of July. We want to wish you a happy safe holiday. A couple of exciting things to report this month. We installed a new flag pole out on the point at Sunset Park. Thanks to the businesses that donated to make Harvey Cedars a better place.

The Land Use Board has completed their review of the master plan, and one of the outcomes was to design a streetscape plan for downtown.  Following this exercise, we have applied for a grant to the State for the downtown business district.

The Nearshore Betterment Sand Placement project will begin next week. Not a moment too soon. We desperately need our beaches to fill in. This project will last 30 to 45 days. There should not be any interruption to beach patrons.

Still to come, the cleaning of the water tower, 78th Street dock, North Holly water main along with Essex drainage. We have been delayed due to backorders and COVID, but you will see activity shortly.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

Congratulations again to Daina for receiving the Clerk of the Year award! It's a well-deserved recognition for all of her hard work and dedication to Harvey Cedars over the years.  Daina is our Clerk of the Year every year!

The finance department has applied for and received the first portion of Harvey Cedars' share of the federal American Rescue Plan funds.  We are working on where best to use the funds within the federal guidelines.

Tax bills are anticipated to be sent this month.  The bills will be sent out when the certified rate is received from the County.

Summer is here! Excited for a "normal" summer filled with events.  It is wonderful to see the park being used by so many of our residents!  There are many activities to check out - LIT, soccer camps, tennis camps, pickleball and more.   There are ReClam the Bay educational sessions in the park and Virtual Discussions from Rutgers.  Our first official event will be Craft Day by the Bay on Saturday July 3rd.  The summer concert series will be held every Wednesday beginning July 14th, weather permitting.  Harvey Cedars 33rd Annual Arts Festival is scheduled for Sunday July 18th.
For a full list of events stop by Borough Hall to pick up a calendar.  

Donations for the Labor Day Fireworks celebration are appreciated.  

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself and Chief Burnaford, we want to add our congratulations to all of the accolades that Daina Dale has received on being named State of New Jersey Municipal Clerk of the Year for 2020. Could not be more deserving!
We are more than aware that the County has NOT completed all of the Crosswalks that they committed to complete before the Season began. There are 6 remaining Crosswalks to be done. The County Engineer is well aware of our urgency. We will continue to reach out to them until the work has been completed.

Working with Chief Burnaford, Chief Townsend, and the HC Labor Attorney, Armando Riccio, we produced the first completely detailed Harvey Cedars Beach Operations Handbook, a 33 page Document that covers all Beach Operations, Duties, Discipline, Conduct, Procedures, and other Policies. This was a big undertaking before the season began and I want to thank all involved for their dedication. This Handbook was “officially" adopted by a Borough Resolution at the June 21st Borough meeting. In addition, a mandatory two-hour training session was conducted to ensure that all beach operations employees are fully aware of all our Policies and Procedures. 

Speaking of training, in June the HC Police Department held its annual “Full Department Training Day,” where each Officer covers a specific topic of expertise for the full staff. All of the HCPD Officers did a great job! And I want to thank the HCPD Chaplain, Wes Smith for attending the event and offering his inspirational words.

With the 4th of July weekend coming up, please be aware that illegal fireworks will not be tolerated. A notice stating such will be on the boulevard signboard and posted on our social media platforms.
In June, Chief Burnaford was asked, and honorably accepted, to give some opening remarks at an event sponsored by the NJ Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness, in collaboration with the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce, the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office and the US Department of Homeland Security. The event was designed to provide public health services for reopening businesses, the current threat environment and everyday community preparedness resources. Quite the important topic, obviously, and it was an honor for the HCPD Police Chief to be asked to give the opening remarks. Congrats Chief Burnaford!

In our continuing presentation of the background of our Officers, this month we present the 2020 Officer of the Year Officer Daniel Grundtisch’s bio:

Patrolman Daniel Grundtisch:
31 Years Old
Stone Harbor Police Department, Class 2, 01/2013 - 09/2013
Ocean City Police Department, Class 2, 12/2017 – 08/2018
Little Egg Harbor Police Department, Class 2, 08/2018 – 07/2019
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Class 2, 07/2019 – 10/2019
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Full-Time; 10/2019 to Present
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from Stockton University