Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
June 2022 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Memorial Day has passed, summer has officially begun, and it was hot enough Monday to make us wish for Fall.  Before you know it, it will be the Fourth of July, and summer will be in full swing.  We are working hard to get all the beach walkovers cleaned and open because the storm came too close to complete this project by Memorial Day.  It took 3 days for Public Works just to clear out the handicapped ramp at 80th street.  We still need to install beach mats and then get the trash receptacles distributed to the street ends.  Until they are there, please take your trash off the beach when you leave.

We had a water leak in one of the transmission lines in the Boulevard which I hope is not a sneak preview of things to come.  This is the third repair to the water main in the Boulevard since the road was paved. 

On a good note, there have been some planting improvements around town. During the week of June 20th we will be planting flowers at the Sunset Park sign on Salem Avenue, as well as in front of the Borough Hall.  We can still use some volunteers if you’re interested. We appreciate any help you can give!

I am sure that some have seen the flagpole in Sunset Park out on the point.  We will be introducing a memorial brick and observation area project for that spot.  It will be a great addition to our park and a nice way to remember a loved one, and for the community to be involved in the beautification of the town.  More information will be coming out shortly on how you can get involved.

The Island mayors have worked with the DOT and have been able to delay the construction on Ninth Street in Ship Bottom until the Fall, however construction will continue on Eighth Street throughout the summer.  The construction that you see in North Beach will continue, Monday through Thursday until mid-June.  At that time the infrastructure project will end and reconvene in the fall.

Finally, the High Point Volunteer Fire Company is hosting a Block Party on June 11th.  Come out to support the Fire Company and have some fun!

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

What a fantastic Memorial Day weekend and start of the summer season!!

Badges will be required on the beach starting June 18th.  Preseason badge rates are in effect through June 15th.  Any order dropped off or postmarked by June 15th will be at the reduced rate of $35.  Currently, pre-ordered beach badges are available for pickup at Borough Hall during normal business hours.  Badges will be available daily starting June 18th at the Beach Badge Booth in Sunset Park from 10 am to 3 pm.

June is water/sewer billing month.  You will see an increase in your bill due to the new water/sewer billing rates. This is the first increase since 2013.  This increase will allow us to operate and maintain our system and infrastructure.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

The Chief and I hope everyone had a great and safe Memorial Day weekend and are ready for a great Summer!

The HCPD Community Forums continued in May with Sergeant Kevin Snow presenting the department's Administrative functions, including Administration, Scheduling, and Record Keeping. Chief Burnaford and I want to thank Sergeant Snow for a great presentation, and thank all of the residents who attended and were part of a terrific conversation.

Next up for the HCPD Community Forums will be Officers Ben Mrozinski and Matthew MacCorkle on Wednesday, June 22nd at 5 P.M. presenting “Officers on Patrol: Traffic, Pedestrian, and Bike Safety."  Officer Mrozinski is the HCPD Traffic Safety Officer and Officer MacCorkle is the department’s newest Officer. Come and meet them and learn how they go about their duties in keeping us safe. I am certain another excellent q and a session will take place.

At the Borough’s May 6th meeting we appointed Danielle Bialecki as s Class 1 Officer for the Summer season. Officer Bialecki will greatly assist our full time officers with certain calls for service. Weather permitting, she will be assigned to bike patrol which will allow her to travel throughout town enforcing and educating our pedestrians and bicyclists on the rules of the road. Her visibility on the bike will create many opportunities for her to interact with people in a positive manner. Community policing is something that we take very seriously and this is just another way to do that and enforce our laws. Officer Bialecki will also regularly patrol our beaches and be a presence in Sunset Park and at borough events, such as the Summer Concert series.

I am sure you have seen by now that Traffic Lights on the boulevard have been activated and the speed limit lowered. Please drive carefully at all times, and remember to move over one lane for pedestrians or bikers, when possible, and slow down to 25 MPH if you can not move over.

Please note that Parking Spaces across from the High Point Firehouse have been designated for “Take-out” pick-up only - short-term parking that should aid in the traffic flow and parking for our restaurants. Please respect this restriction.

I hope to see everyone at the Saturday, June 11th High Point Volunteer Fire Department’s Block Party, 12 P.M. - 8 P.M. Come support your volunteer fire company, meet your Harvey Cedars neighbors, and enjoy a fun day!

Please note the Lifeguard schedule for beach coverage can be found at

Boulevard safety continues to be one of the police department's top priorities, particularly in the summer months. In addition to increasing presence with education and enforcement, and adding signage throughout the town, Chief Burnaford has been asked to be interviewed on 94.3FM, ThePoint, and 105.7 FM, TheHawk, in June to promote pedestrian and bike safety. We should be proud that Harvey Cedars, and our Chief, is the media's go-to source for safety messaging.