Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
November 2021 Hometown News
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Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Nine years ago, last week, SuperStorm Sandy ravaged our little town.  It took a number of months to reopen and longer to recover.  We must always remember the ocean is wonderful and dangerous at the same time.

Public Works has flushed all the hydrants getting ready for the winter months.  We are putting the town to bed. Ice eaters will be going on the docks, trash cans in, benches put away, public bathrooms closed for the winter season, so they don’t freeze up, everything ready for a long winter's nap.  However, we do keep a porta potty at the park all winter long.

Paving will start on 72nd Street and 85th Street the week of the 8th of November.  They will install some drainage and curbing, followed by scarifying and regrading, and then final paving.  The process should not take very long, but if you need to get out during the process you will need to park across the street.  We will be notifying residents by phone calls and Nixle updates.

Good news! We just received notification that our streetscapes grant application has been approved.  We will be looking to design a walkway through the center of town.  This will be a great addition to our town.  I want to thank the members of the committee that worked on this concept, it is exciting to get this far.  We still have a lot of work to do, however it will be a big improvement to the business district.  We are still waiting for the final approval for the plans for the paving of North Holly and Essex Avenue.

As the winter gets close, we will get the snow removal equipment hooked up and ready to go.  We are hoping for a warm winter with very little snow.  I am not sure that is going to happen but we can hope.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

The finance department is working hard this month on our yearly short-term debt sale.  Similar to last year, we expect to have another low interest rate.  

2022 Holiday Beach Badges are on sale!  The exclusive holiday design can be purchased at Borough Hall or by mailing in your order form.  Quantities are limited.  

The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee met in person last month for the first time in over a year to recap 2021 events and brainstorm ideas for 2022.  The Committee is happy to see new members joining the group this year.  As a reminder, all concerts and events are paid for through collection of craft show fees, donations and sales.  NO tax dollars are used to provide for fireworks, concerts and other events.  Thank you to all committee members for volunteering throughout the season.  Without you, the summer events would not be possible.
The Committee is selling Harvey Cedars merchandise at Borough Hall.  There are long sleeve shirts, tote bags, cookbooks with recipes from your neighbors, hats and more!  Stop by to pick up a holiday gift and support the Activity Committee.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself and Chief Burnaford we want to wish all a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!


Body Worn Cameras: The Harvey Cedars Police Department is proud to announce the deployment of body worn cameras. In addition to our in-car cameras which we have had for 10 years, our officers assigned to patrol duty will wear a body camera  to enhance community trust and record public interactions in an official capacity. The cameras will be worn on the police officer's outermost garment, in the center of the upper body. The body worn cameras will be used in accordance with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office Directive and the  Harvey Cedars Police Department policy.  Our Supervisors will conduct a monthly review of body worn camera footage in accordance with the AG Directive and HCPD policy. We look forward to this age of continued transparency and will continue to provide the residents and visitors of Harvey Cedars with the best possible services.


Body Worn Cameras are a positive for both the public and police officers. They can ensure an impartial record of police interaction with the public. However, the State did not fully fund the program. For example, they did not provide any funding for all of the ancillary costs associated with the program, including maintenance,  training, and record keeping. I will continue  to lobby the State and our State Representatives to sufficiently support all aspects of this valuable program. Additionally, the administrative and clerical tasks associated with the Body Worn Camera program will be significant. I am working on ways to address these administrative and clerical tasks without taking Officers off patrol.


"LET-IT-GROW “ NOVEMBER (Formerly No-Shave November): The HCPD is participating again this year in the annual “LET-IT-GROW” campaign to raise awareness and funds for those impacted by a cancer diagnosis. This year, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to  "David's Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation", a great Foundation committed to helping NJ families that are battling cancer. It’s A “fun” way to encourage donations. You do NOT have to quit shaving to contribute. Since our Officers are always clean-shaven, people invariably ask “‘are you growing a beard’ or ‘what’s up with not shaving?!” And the answer leads right into encouraging donations. I, personally, am all in! Please visit to donate.


David’s Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation is a 501c3 Not-for-profit that raises funds to provide financial assistance, wellness services, and hope to New Jersey families afflicted with a cancer diagnosis. Their website is:


HCBP Business Appreciation Program: As with all businesses, recruiting and retaining a full seasonal staff is a challenge for the Harvey Cedars Beach Patrol. Chief Townsend did a great job in maintaining a full staff of Lifeguards and Beach Badge Checkers this year, and next year the great Harvey Cedars businesses will show their appreciation to our staff. Four HC breakfast and lunch businesses: The Neptune Market, the Nep2une Surfside Grill, Birdy’s, and Agnello’s By the Cove will give HC Lifeguards and Badge Checkers a 10% discount on breakfast and lunch throughout the season. This is a nice incentive for staff to come and stay with the HCBP. I want to thank these great businesses for their generosity and commitment to our town.


DEAD TREES!: For those who do not know, Harvey Cedars last year passed a “Dead Tree” Ordinance requiring homeowners to remove dead trees - or the town will remove them and charge the homeowner. Dead Trees are not just unsightly, they are a huge safety issue. Branches have flown through the windows of other homes, and onto the boulevard; the trees themselves easily fall and cause damage. With the increased storms and high winds, dead trees MUST be dealt with. Removing dead trees is the law, but it is also common sense.


CROSSWALKS: Completed! After many delays due to issues with the boulevard repayment, the additional Crosswalks in Harvey Cedars were completed by the County. I want to thank the Ocean County Engineer’s office for their follow-through on getting this done.


DID YOU KNOW?  Last month we started a  “Did You Know?” section where we will present an interesting fact about the HCPD that you should be aware of.


So…Did you know….every year over 100 property owners in Harvey Cedars register for the Winter House Checks Program. This Program, currently overseen by Ptl. Nick D’Andrea, is a service that has our officers periodically checking in on properties when they are unoccupied for any period of time, and notifying the owners of any issues. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this free and invaluable service!  Visit and click on “Winter House Check” to sign up today. We do ask that everyone signs up every year to ensure that the department has the most current contact information.

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