Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
February 2023 Hometown News
Snow covered beach bench for newsletter.jpg

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham


It is February already.  The winter is flying by and spring will be here before you know it.

We have good news and bad news.  First the good news.  We have secured 50 million dollars for the LBI beach project between all the partners.  This will allow us to restore the beaches, fix the walkovers and repair all the beach accesses.  I’m glad that there are resources to make it through another round of renourishment.  The bad news is that the funding will not be in place for the 2023 season.


The Federal Government will most likely have the money in place this spring but it will take some time for our state partners to get together and before contracts can be advertised. We will likely not see more sand on the beach until the fall or winter months, while this is disconcerting to us, we must look at the bright side.  The good news is that our dunes are intact and homes are protected.  The bottom line is, there is money for restoration and we will see a beach project in the near future.


Obstacles that may delay the beach replenishment project include regulations that dredging companies must be US owned in order to be awarded the contract.  Currently, there are only two dredging companies that are US owned and operated; Great Lakes and Weeks Marine.


In the meantime, we are putting plans in place to provide access to the beach on all the public walkovers.  Our public works will be working with our State and Federal partners to establish and rebuild walkovers for all the public access points.  We will also bolster our Beach Wheels program to help our disabled and elderly population have better access to the beach due to the challenges caused by erosion.


I have had numerous conversations with our State and Federal partners, and because of our established relationship, we will move up the list quickly if the funds become available sooner.   I am sure many of you are disappointed that the project won’t start right away, I am as well.  However, I wanted to communicate with you that as things develop we will let you know our plans for our beaches as summer approaches.




Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice


February 1st brings our first snowfall of the year (and the first quarter tax due date)!  If you are interested in the direct debit program for taxes or water/sewer, the forms can be found by clicking here.


In January, we filed our Annual Debt Statement.  Our Net Debt is 0.186%, where the state allowed up to 3.5%.  The town is in good financial shape and continues to have a very low debt percentage.  



The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee is in full swing with summer preparations. The concert line-up for Wednesday night summer concerts has been finalized and vendors are applying for the craft and art events. The calendar of events will be available early spring!


The HCAC will be hosting our fireworks this year on Labor Day weekend, Saturday, September 2nd. The fireworks are funded through donations only, not from your tax dollars. A donation request will be included in the mailing of your water bills. Thank you to those who have already donated! 


Besides shirts and sweatshirts, the HCAC has a variety of items available for purchase at borough hall. Stop by to check out the wine glasses, lanterns, totes, hats, and cookbooks!  All purchases support the events throughout the year. Visit the online shop by clicking here!


Don't forget to get your new dog license! Getting your dog licensed is the law, but there are also many benefits for the dog owner. A licensed dog can easily be returned to their owners! The process also reminds you to keep your dog up to date on their rabies vaccination.  




Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale


In another feather in the cap of the Harvey Cedars Police Department, HCPD Chief Robert Burnaford was asked to help teach water rescue to the new recruits at the Ocean County Police Academy, clearly demonstrating the level of expertise we have here in Harvey Cedars. Congrats to our Chief.


Once again there have been some sightings of coyotes both on the bay and ocean sides of town. The following are things you can do if you spot a coyote in your neighborhood or near your home:

·  Frighten coyotes with loud noises.

·  Fear of humans is important for coyote survival.

·  Keep garbage in a tightly sealed container.

·  In your yard, remove pet food, fallen fruit and spilled seed beneath bird feeders.

·  Use yard lights or motion detectors to frighten them away.

·  Keep pets in fenced areas or covered kennels.

·  Stay with your pets while outdoors, unless pets are in a secured, covered kennel.

·  Do not allow pets to run loose. Keep pets on a leash.


A very important reminder: PLEASE make sure your house number is Visible and Clear. Should emergency vehicles get a call for an address, it is important that they can quickly identify the house.

Mark your calendars now for some upcoming events you do not want to miss!


 - Saturday night, April 22nd the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation will be holding a Casino Night at the High Point Firehouse. Proceeds of the event will help support the charitable work of the non-profit Harvey Cedars Police Foundation and the High Point Volunteer Fire Company. It's a great partnership and a fun night to raise some funds. Food and beverages will be provided.


 - After the very successful HCPD Community Forums, we have scheduled a Harvey Cedars Beach Patrol Community Forum, led by HCBP Chief Randy Townsend, for Thursday night, May 25th, right before the start of the full beach season. More information as we get closer.


 - From an idea that arose at one of the HCPD Community Forums, we have begun discussions to hold CPR/First Aid training in coordination with the High Point Volunteer Fire Company. Dates and details to be announced soon.


 - On a personal note, I have been asked by the Friends of the Island Library to be the guest speaker for a two-part American History program focusing on the policies and people that have kept us and our nation together. The presentations will be at the OC Library in Surf City, Part 1 on Saturday, Feb 25th, 10:00 - 11:30, and Part 2 on Saturday March 11th, same time. I hope to see many of my Harvey Cedars neighbors there for what I hope will be a good interactive discussion. The Friends of the Island Library is an all-volunteer non-profit organization devoted to supporting & promoting the Long Beach Island Library in Surf City.  For information about membership in the Friends of the Island Library, stop by the library for a brochure or email


A couple of quick reminders: 

       In case you are just now getting away for the winter, you can still register for the Winter House Checks Program, a service that has our officers periodically checking in on properties when they are unoccupied for any period of time, and notifying the owners of any issues. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this free and invaluable service!  Visit and click on “Winter House Check” to sign up today. We do ask that everyone signs up every year to ensure that the department has the most current contact information.

       If you're one of the hearty individuals out walking, running, or biking when it is dark out, stop by Borough Hall and pick-up a free “High Reflective Visibility Reflector Bands for Wrist, Arm, or Leg.” These bands are worn to enhance your visibility and safety.