Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
August 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

The first of August marks the middle of summer. 
We just had a wonderful meet and greet on Saturday night, and it was so good to see Jim Fritz. We will continue to cheer him on as he recovers.

The Near Shore Sand placement project is underway and we are starting to see some improvement to our beaches. This is great news. We are hoping for a minimal hurricane season so we can capture as much sand as possible.

The water tower has been cleaned. Between now and the end of the summer most of our attention will be on the beach. We are constantly working on walkovers and entrances. Each rain storm brings more work. In between working on the beach, we will slip off to work on the dock at 78th Street.

The County will be working on the Boulevard in the next few weeks. There are two sections that will be replaced along with repairing manholes and storm drains in the south bound lanes.

As a reminder, there is another bulk trash pickup day this summer on Monday, August 16th along with regular trash pickup.  Two (2) bulk items, such as furniture or mattresses, may be placed out for pickup. 

That is all for now. Please notify us if you have a specific concern.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

The new tax bills were mailed in mid-July.  The grace period has been extended through August 13, 2021.  We offer convenient online bill pay for tax and utility bills at with minimal processing fee.

Looking to get involved in the Harvey Cedars Community?  The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee is looking for volunteers.  The Activity Committee hosts fun events throughout the year.  Email if you're interested in volunteering.

Kids Night in the Park has been postponed, and a new date in August will be posted on Social Media.  Come out for a night of family fun with a petting zoo, juggler, carriage rides, and emergency vehicles on display.  Proceeds will benefit the Marine Mammal Stranding Center and the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation.
The Annual Blue Claw Craft Show will be on August 21, 2021.  The Long Beach Island PBA #175 will host the crab race.   Come support local crafters and/or race your own crab!

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

I hope the Summer is going well for all. Continue enjoying safely!

Just a reminder of the importance of locking your vehicles and removing your key fobs. There have been recent incidents in Harvey Cedars and on LBI that warrant this precaution. Always report any suspicious activity to the Harvey Cedars Police Department.

Speaking of car thefts, while on patrol at approximately 1:45am on July 19th, HCPD Officer Nick D’Andrea observed two high-end vehicles traveling south through Harvey Cedars. Once the drivers of the high-end vehicles noticed Officer D'Andrea’s police car, they accelerated and continued heading south at a high rate of speed. One vehicle ended up in Newark and the other vehicle crashed near Hochstrasser Marina. Officer D’Andrea along with other LBI Officers were able to safely apprehend the driver. Both high-end vehicles were stolen out of Loveladies. Great police work by Officer D’Andrea for being on patrol while most of us are sleeping!

After 8 years with the HCPD, Ptl. Anthony Abbatemarco has resigned effective August 1st and will be joining the NJ State Police. We want to thank Officer Abbatemarco for his great service to Harvey Cedars and wish him luck in his new position. And I am happy to announce that Ptl. Jonathan Rainier has joined the HCPD as a full-time Special Law Enforcement Officer Class II.  Chief Burnaford did a great job in having qualified candidates ready to step in as soon as there was an opening so that we would not be short-staffed at any time.
The HC Beach Patrol underwent an annual “Sanitary” examination and review by the LBI Health Department, and got a perfect review. Congrats to HCBP Chief Randy Townsend and his management staff.

The HCPD held 2 “Coffee With A Cop" events in July, one at Birdy’s and one at the Neptune Market. Thanks to these great HC businesses for hosting us. The Chief and the Officers did a great job meeting residents, answering questions, getting to know the HC residents better, and letting the HC residents know them better. We are looking to schedule another “Coffee With A Cop” event later in the season, possibly at the new Agnello’s By the Cove. Details to follow.

Once again, we are aware that with the repairs needed to fix the boulevard repaving work still on-going, the remaining Crosswalks have not been completed. This is unacceptable from a safety issue and we will continue to “nag away” until the County’s commitment is met.

Continuing our monthly presentation of the background of the HCPD Officers, this month we present Officer Nick D'Andrea:

Patrolman Nick D’Andrea:
24 Years Old
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Class 2, March 2020 - Jan. 2021
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Full-Time;  Jan. 2021 - Present
Associate Degree in Social Science from Ocean County College

Friendly Borough-wide Reminders 

Litter.  The wind and seagulls are our biggest litterbugs!  Please use trash can lids to cover your trash cans. Recently, the Borough has received complaints of uncovered trash cans.  

Dead Trees.  Please cut down any dead trees on your property before they spread disease to healthy trees.  You don't always need a tree doctor to tell you if a tree is dead. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but if a tree's leaves are 100 percent brown, or if a pine tree's needles are 100 percent rust-colored, the tree is dead, and it needs to come down soon.  A dead tree could fall on its own or be pushed over by winds, so it’s a safety threat to nearby houses, fences, garages, automobiles, etc.   Per Borough ordinance, violations will be issued for non-compliance.

Concerts.  The Wednesday night concerts in Sunset Park now start at 6pm and end at 8pm.  Adjust your fun-time schedules!