Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
December 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Thanksgiving is over and Christmas will be here before you know it. We just installed the snowflakes out on the boulevard, and it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas up and down the Island. You will not want to miss the Christmas parade this Saturday, always an island favorite. If you are good, you will see Santa taking a trip around the town on the Fire truck again this year. Thank you to the fire company, and back by popular demand. This was a great event last year for young and old alike.

There are two projects underway right now. We are halfway through the water main renewal on North Holly. Once we tie in both ends of the main line, we will connect each individual water service. Our public works guys are doing a great job. They are working hard to disrupt life as little as possible.

Earl Asphalt and Paving Company finally arrived to pave 72nd and 85th Streets. The paving will have to be completed before the plants close due to the cold weather.  I am looking forward to having this project completed before Christmas. Homeowners on 72nd Street have been patiently waiting for the completion of the paving.

We are out to bid on the Essex and North Holly paving and drainage project. We will be awarding the project before the end of the year. Once the asphalt plants reopen, we will begin the project. It will be a great improvement to have a new water main and a newly paved road for this section of town.

I have not forgotten the manholes. I have been promised that Verizon will fix them shortly.

We want to wish everyone a safe and wonderful Holiday Season. Take the time to cherish your friends and family.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

With the Holiday season in full swing, I would like to remind everyone that the Harvey Cedars Activity Committee has Harvey Cedars merchandise available for purchase at Borough Hall. There are t-shirts, cookbooks, tote bags, hats and other various items to choose from for anyone on your shopping list. All proceeds from merchandise sales go towards our events and activities hosted by the HCAC. Holiday themed Beach Badges for the 2022 season are now available for sale in Borough Hall. These badges are in limited supply and are perfect for a holiday gift. 

I would like to thank the office staff at the Borough Hall for all of their hard work this year. 

Have a Wonderful Holiday, Paul Rice

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself and Chief Burnaford we want to wish all a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year. Speaking of the holidays, be sure to look for Officers from the Harvey Cedars Police Department on Monday night December 20th, as they assist our Fire Company with escorting Santa around town.

Also, a great Harvey Cedars friend and neighbor, Dave Burns, has started the tradition of people putting a red, a white, and a blue candle in their window, not just for America, but the red in support of our firefighters, the white in support of our EMT workers, and the blue in support of our police. A wonderful holiday idea…help it spread!

In keeping with the holiday messaging, we are excited to announce that the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation and the Harvey Cedars Police Department will be hosting our first “Fill A Patrol Car” Toy Drive to benefit CASA. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates which helps neglected and fostered children right here in Ocean County. CASA assists children with continuing their education, emotional support, and providing any medical attention needed. You can find more information at  The Toy Drive will start on Monday, Dec. 6th and run until Dec. 10th at 4 P.M. Anyone interested can bring a new unwrapped toy for children from the ages of 3 -17 years old and place the toys inside of “Santa’s Sleigh” or inside the lobby at Harvey Cedars Borough Hall. Any questions, please contact Sgt. Kevin Snow at 

"LET-IT-GROW” aka “No Shave NOVEMBER” is over and I want to thank all the officers and others who participated, and especially thank those who made generous donations to "David's Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation” or your own favorite charity.  As of this date, close to $25,000 has been raised via this campaign to help those who have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

In our continuing efforts to improve traffic flow and parking in and around our business district, we had previously opened up parking on the Municipal Property between the intersection of West 80th Street/Anchor St and #9 West 80th Street. The objective was to facilitate parking for businesses and restaurants, allowing more patrons to use these spots when dining etc. However, they have become utilized by cars parking all day/all night, somewhat minimizing the planned benefit. Therefore we updated the Borough’s parking ordinances to limit this area to 3 hour parking, so that it would meet the intended purpose of facilitating parking for business and restaurant patrons.

In addition, the Borough has plans on adding signage along West 80th Street and Bay Terrace, such as the “No Trailer Parking” signs that have become hidden by growth, and others that are missing or in disrepair.
DID YOU KNOW?  Continuing the “Did You Know?” section wherein we present an interesting fact about the HCPD that you should be aware of:

Did you know that we have an Officer that is certified through the National Highway Traffic Safety Association to conduct inspections and properly install your child’s car seat. Need this service? Contact Det. Tim Butler at for scheduling.