Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
April 2023 Hometown News


Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham


April showers bring May flowers.  We experienced quite the thunder and lightning storm over the weekend.  There was also a significant threat of tornadoes in our area.  We saw some swirling in the High Bar area but were fortunate to not see any damage in Harvey Cedars. I have received a couple of inquiries of “where do we go during these times”?  One place of refuge would be the Davis Center gymnasium at the Bible Conference.  The Conference is designed as an essential building to withstand stronger wind conditions.  It also has a backup generator in the event power is lost.  The Fire House on 80th Street is also a place for congregating after a storm.


Public works is very busy getting ready for the summer.  We are working with the state to get all of the crossovers open in time for Memorial Day.  Clearing the walkovers of sand that has been deposited over the winter months is a high priority.  In the near future, we will begin the water main replacement on West Bergen Ave. and West 75th Street.  This project will be completed prior to the busy summer months, the streets will be paved in the early fall.  The Department of Public Works will also be adding and replacing the fire hydrants on those streets during the renewal.


As the summer approaches, I want to bring to your attention the Memorial Paver Project at Sunset Park.  The project is a great way to remember someone and make an investment and improvement to our park.  The point at the park is a wonderful place to watch a sunset.  We need to have more people get behind this project to get it going.  We will be sending out a dedicated email for the brick project.  Please keep an eye out for the email and consider purchasing a brick of your own.


Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice


The 2023 Harvey Cedars budget was introduced at the March 20th meeting and is expected to be adopted at the April 17th meeting.  This year Harvey Cedars residents should expect to see a very small increase in the local tax rate.  There are several large projects happening in town that we would like to see accomplished this year, most importantly the Sunset Park Playground Rehabilitation.  Last year several residents brought to our attention the need for new playground equipment which is an extremely costly endeavor.  We have also applied for a grant to help offset some of the costs for the playground equipment. 


Beach badge pre-orders are going on now! If you have not done so already, please click here for the order form for seasonal beach badges. Badges will be available for pick-up on May 1st at borough hall through June 16th. The pre-order form is for regular seasonal badges only. Senior badges will be available for in-person purchase on May 1st with photo ID. 


The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee met last month to plan out new merchandise and discuss the summer events. There are multiple new items coming soon. Check out the new collegiate style lightweight crew neck below! This design is only available for purchase in borough hall. If you have not done so, click here to check out the HCAC online store to support our summer events. 


Sweatshirt - Collegiate HC.jpg


Thank you to all who have donated towards the fireworks already! As always, we expect it to be a wonderful event. A new fireworks t-shirt is currently in production. We are hoping to announce its arrival in the next newsletter. 


Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale


With Spring here, more and more people will be out walking and biking and enjoying our great town. Please be careful on our roads and remember to bike with traffic (and obey traffic rules when biking) and walk against traffic. And remember to stop in at Borough Hall to pick up a reflector if you are going to be walking or biking in the dark.

In March we passed a new Ordinance changing the start of Construction hours from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., from March thru October (previously it stayed at 7 a.m. until Memorial Day.)  I hope this gives our residents a little more peace and quiet this Spring.
Saturday night, April 22nd from 6 P.M. until 10pm. will be the first "Casino Night,” hosted by the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit,  and the High Point Volunteer Fire Company. The goal of the HC Police Foundation is to provide funding for youth and community outreach programs, charities, training and education, and funding for specialized equipment to help our police department better serve the community, so not only will you have a great evening, you will be doing good for the community. Proceeds from the Casino Night will go towards a high school scholarship and to support the High Point Fire Company. The cost for the event is $125, which includes food provided by the Neptune Market, and beer and wine provided by Neptune Liquors, and, of course, chips to bet with which can be turned in for raffle tickets and prizes. You can register in advance by emailing Sgt. Snow at  or show up at the door. Attendees must be 21 or older and present a valid ID. Sponsorships are still available!

We are making excellent progress with a “Dead Fish Plan” in case we have another unpleasant event this summer. After meeting with Public Works, Public Finance, the LBI Health Department and the Department of Environmental Protection, I circulated a draft plan to all and we will meet in April to finalize a “Emergency Management” Plan. Hopefully we never need it, but if we do, we’ll be ready!

I want to thank the many Harvey Cedars residents who attended Part 2 of the American History presentation I gave in March at the Library in Surf City at the request of the Friends of the Library. I love giving these talks, and I especially love the discussion afterwards. Thanks again to all, and to the Friends of the Library for inviting me to speak!

Our Chief of Beach Operations Randy Townsend, while busy getting full staffed and ready for the summer, has also begun preparing the HCBP Community Forum which will be held on Thursday, May 25th at 5 p.m. at Borough Hall. Mark your calendars!