November 2023 Newsletter

November autumn.jpg

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham


Harvey Cedars is getting tidied up before the cold weather sets in.  The water tank was recently power washed and is looking like new again.  Water hydrants have also been flushed.


The Brick Project is moving right along at the point in Sunset Park.  Personalized bricks are being installed as new orders arrive.  Make sure to take a walk out to the point on a nice day to check out the progress.  It’s not too late to purchase your own brick, click here for details.   


We still have an ample supply of dune grass for those who wish to take advantage of the warm weather we have been experiencing to plant. Stop by the public works yard on weekdays if you'd like to pick some up.  Planting dune grass each fall is vital to our beach protection efforts.


The first ever Harvey Cedars calendar is coming together nicely.  We look forward to publishing in mid-December for an early January release. Thank you to all who have submitted photographs for consideration. 


There will be a free, informative Flooding Insurance Outreach Webinar on Tuesday, November 14th at 5:30pm to examine the benefits of flood insurance and important aspects of coverage before flooding is an immediate concern.  The presenter will offer helpful steps for staying protected, as well as policy reviews and even one-on-one help, if requested. Webinar Registration (Required) link:


Wishing Everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving!


Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice


The end of the grace period for the fourth quarter tax payments is today (November 13th).  The grace period was extended a few days due to observance of the Veterans Day holiday on Friday the 10th. 


Thank you to all those who attended the annual Wine Tasting event!  The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee put on a great event as always.  Thank you to the Fire Company for the great venue and all the volunteers who make this event successful year after year.  If you missed the event, but would like one of the Harvey Cedars stemless wine glasses, stop by Borough Hall to purchase one.  They make a great gift!


Holiday Beach Badges are on sale for the 2024 Season!  The badges are available to purchase at Borough Hall or can be preordered by mail using the order form that can be found by clicking this link.  Badges must be picked up at Borough Hall.


We are meeting with the other departments to start preparing the budget for 2024.  


The finance department would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!




Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale


There are two community and charitable initiatives of the HCPD and HC Police Foundation that we would like to note: No Shave November and the Annual Toy Drive.


Once again, the HCPD will be participating in the “No Shave November” campaign to raise money and awareness for those impacted by a cancer diagnosis. The Chief, our Officers, and I have put down our razors for the entire month in an effort to support David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation efforts. Please help us raise money by donating today! More info can be found on our website


And the holiday season kicks-off with the HC Police Foundation “Annual Toy Drive.” We can all be Santa and bring cheer for the holidays! From November 15th - December 8th, the Harvey Cedars Police Foundation and The Harvey Cedars Police Department will be sponsoring the “Fill A Patrol Car” Toy Drive. All donations will go to Family Promise of the Jersey Shore, which helps families experiencing homelessness and economic hardships in Ocean County. Last year our generous residents more than filled the police car, it overflowed!  I know that this year will be just as successful. Anyone interested can bring a new unwrapped toy for children from the ages of 3 -17 years old and bring the toys to the lobby at the Harvey Cedars Borough Hall. Any questions, please contact Sgt. Kevin Snow at 


In October, Chief Burnaford, Sgt. Snow and Danielle Tilton, whose responsibilities include Accreditation Manager, attended the final hearing for approval regarding the HCPD reaccreditation assessment , which was conducted by a 12 person panel from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police. The HCPD was once again successful after receiving a unanimous vote. Congratulations to Chief Burnaford and the entire HCPD on once again demonstrating their complete professionalism, expertise and commitment to excellence. 

Last month we provided some key HCPD and HC Beach patrol statistics from the summer. With Fall here and Winter approaching, we can note that last Fall and Winter our officers conducted approximately 3,000 home and property checks. As you can see, our officers are busy 24 hours a day, year round. If you are going to be away at all, make sure your home becomes part of those statistics for this year by registering for the HCPD Winter House Registration Program. Property owners can register online ( or fill out this form and email it to It is a great piece of mind for our property owners when they are not here.

Feedback and/or questions on these statistics, or the ones we provided for the Summer, are always welcome. Just reach out to me or the Chief anytime!


I want to thank the Harvey Cedars Activity Committee for the great Wine Tasting at the Firehouse on Saturday, Oct.28th. Always a great time! It takes a lot of planning and a lot of work to make it such a success.

Thanks to all the Harvey Cedars residents who attended the October presentation I gave on the U.S. Constitution as part of my American History talks for the Friends of the Library. As always, it was the terrific discussion that followed the presentation that was most satisfying.


And on behalf of Chief Burnaford and myself and our families, a Happy Thanksgiving to all!