Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
April 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

I was thinking about starting out with an April fool's joke... but decided that was not the best thing to do. 

Spring is finally here and summer will soon follow.  Public Works is focusing on the beach.  We are still bolstering up the dunes, and will be working on the walkovers. The handicap walkovers take precedence, followed by replacing the dune fence where it is missing.

We are also planning on replacing the water main on North Holly and repaving afterwards. This should begin later this month.  Along with the water main, we will be flushing the hydrants by the end of the month. Flushing the system twice a year helps maintain high water quality.

In addition to beach maintenance and water main projects, the Public Works Department is working on restoring and improving the 78th Street dock to be ready for the summer season.

We have a lot to do and are working hard to accomplish as much as possible.  More to follow.

The Island towns are joining together working on resiliency, and Harvey Cedars is participating. We have included a survey link below. Please take the time to participate.

Resident Feedback Needed for a New Island-Wide Resiliency Project 

The Resilient Long Beach Island Project is a part of the DEP's Resilient NJ program, which helps the most vulnerable communities adapt to climate impacts. Resilient LBI is actively assessing our community's unique vulnerabilities and responses to sea level rise, coastal storm surge and precipitation-based flooding, and would like to hear directly from Harvey Cedars residents.

Please consider filling out an online survey to voice your resiliency concerns and priorities by clicking here or on the link in the attached flyer.  

We thank you for providing the input needed to make Resilient LBI a success!

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

Thank you for those who have generously donated to the Labor Day Fireworks celebration!  We are well on our way towards our goal.  If you have not done so already, fireworks donations can be mailed or dropped off at Borough Hall.  The fireworks are funded solely by donations, not from your tax dollars.

BADGES?!  Beach badges will be available for pickup outside of Borough Hall near the West 76th Street parking lot during Memorial Day Weekend (Friday, May 28, 2021 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, and Saturday, May 29, 2021 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM).  Senior beach badges will also be for sale on those dates for persons age 65+ with valid ID.  Badges will not be available inside the Borough Hall.   Additional pick up dates will be announced on the website.  The pre-season rate of $35.00 remains in effect through June 15th.  Senior badges are the discounted price of $12.00 all season regardless when purchased.  Badges will be required starting June 19, 2021.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself and Chief Burnaford, we hope everyone is safe and happy…and ready for a great Spring!
The new 20 M.P.H. speed limit signs have been installed on W. 80th Street, so please be aware and watch your speed, as always, whenever…and wherever you are driving!

Please be aware that several new Ordinances, dealing with Noise, Parking, and Dogs will have their first reading at the next Borough meeting on April 9th. Full details of these proposed changes will be read at the April 9th meeting.

During the month of April, the HCPD will be cracking down on distracted drivers as part of New Jersey's U.DRIVE U.TEXT U.PAY enforcement campaign.  The police department successfully applied for and received state funding to conduct high visibility enforcement that will target motorists who engage in dangerous distracted driving behaviors such as talking on hand-held cell phones and texting while driving. Be aware that “distracted driving” is any activity that diverts attention from driving, not just limited to talking or texting on your phone, but also eating, drinking, fiddling with the car’s stereo or navigation system - anything that takes your attention away from safe driving.

Please take a minute to read and, if you agree, sign the petition to amend the new marijuana law. Chief Burnaford, along with other Law Enforcement leaders from Ocean County, participated in an important public relations event to draw attention and bring awareness to the new marijuana law and the severe restrictions it places on law enforcement, even after the parental notification change has been signed by the Governor. More information can be found by clicking here.

Previously we have given you the background of Chief Burnaford, Sergeant Snow, Sergeant Frazee, and Officer Chris Oldham.  This month, we would like to present the background of Detective Timothy Butler.

Detective Tim Butler
32 Years Old
Long Beach Township Police Department, Class 1; 2006 – 2009 Summer Seasons
Ship Bottom Police Department, Class 1; 2010 Summer Season
Ship Bottom Police Department, Class 2; 2011 – 2012 Summer Seasons
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Class 2 October 2012 – July 2013
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Full-Time July 2013 - Present
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from St. Bonaventure University