Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
September 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Labor Day is already here, and we are looking forward to the fireworks as summer officially comes to a close.  It is my hope that you have had a wonderful, safe summer.  I know many of us will enjoy slower weekends in the fall.  We still have projects to complete in Public

Works.  We will soon be paving 72nd and 85th streets - we will be awarding the contract this week.   We will begin replacing the water main along North Holly in the very near future.  We also hope to pave North Holly and parts of Essex this fall.  The dock on 78th street is

under construction.  The process has been painful, but we are working on it with our guys, and if we are not diverted to other emergencies, we will start to make visible progress.

As far as the beach goes, the nearshore sand placement project has been completed.  They placed 110,000 cubic yards of sand just off the shoreline.  We are planning on leaving the beach mats out until the end of September unless a hurricane comes up the coast.  

If that happens, we will remove the mats sooner to avoid damaging them. 

A quick plug for the Volunteer Fire Company: they could really use your support.  They were not able to hold the Dog Day Road Race fundraiser again this year, but you can still support the Fire Company by purchasing a shirt.  Please click here if you would like to

purchase a Dog Day T-shirt and support the Fire Company.  A win-win for everyone!  

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

Thank you to the Harvey Cedars Taxpayer Association for hosting the annual taxpayer meeting.  It is nice to hear the concerns of our taxpayers.  The tax rate in Harvey Cedars is 0.940, which means the average tax bill is $9,745.06.  29% of the tax bill goes to fund the municipal budget, 41% to the county, 25% to the regional school, 5% to the local school and 1% to the municipal open space fund.  We work hard to keep the municipal portion of the taxes stable to maintain a steady tax bill. 

The municipal tax sale for delinquent 2020 taxes is scheduled for Friday, September 10, 2021, at 10 AM.  At this time, there is one property scheduled to be sold at tax sale.  Thank you to all of our taxpayers, in these unprecedented times, for paying on time and keeping our town fiscally solvent. 

For your convenience, we offer a FREE direct debit program for taxes and water/sewer bills.  If you would like to sign up for this service, please click here.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

I hope everyone had a great Summer….and can keep it going through September!

As you are probably aware, we changed the timing for the Wednesday evening Concerts to 6 P.M.we to 8 P.M. This was done purely for safety reasons, as it is much better to have people leaving Sunset Park and crossing the boulevard while it is still daylight. We expect to keep this time going forward.

Speaking of the Concerts, our HCPD Officers did a great job in covering the Concerts. Between those events, the Blue Claw Craft Show, and the Coffee With A Cop events, and their regular patrols, our Officers were truly part of our community this Summer!

New traffic signage was installed along 80th Street, to emphasize that 80th Street is not an Outlet back to the Boulevard, and that U-Turns are not permitted on the side streets. We will continue to evaluate traffic signage throughout the town in an effort to improve safety.

With the off-season approaching, please remember to utilize the HCPD “Winter House Check” Program. This program is free of charge and will help our officers keep an eye on your property when you are not here. We ask that every property owner visit to sign up.

Please be aware that this time of year we start to lose our lifeguard staff to high school and college commitments. Some of our least populated beaches will be unguarded on certain days if not every day through the end of the summer. The unguarded beaches will be

routinely patrolled by lifeguards on quads to speak with beach patrons and encourage them to swim near a lifeguard. 

Additionally, please note our postseason lifeguard schedule 
September 8-12 Middlesex and 80th guarded daily weather permitting. 
Sept 13-30 Middlesex guarded 7 days weather permitting 
September 13 - 30 Weekends 80th St guarded staff and weather permitting 

Remember: while September is typically great beach weather, the hurricane season brings increased changes of rip currents.  Please be mindful, pay attention to the flags, and obey Lifeguard instructions at all times. 

Our Harvey Cedars Beach Patrol continues to shine in local competitions (Note: all are held after hours). While the HCBP priority is, and always has been, protecting our beaches and beach-goers, these after hour  “competitions” are more than just sporting events. They demonstrate the training, professionalism, and excellence of our HCBP staff. Congratulations to HCBP Chief Randy Townsend and his team on the following accomplishments this year:

  • Long Beach Island Lifeguard Tournament: 1St Place AND  SIX times in a row as Champions. Longest duration in history of one town holding title as champions 2014 -2021

  • Ship Bottom tournament 1st place

  • Surf City Epic tournament 1st place

  • Lavallette Men’s tournament 1st place

  • HCBP tournament 1st place

  • Diamond Beach Tournament 1st place

  • Ortley Beach tournament 1st place

  • Cape May Point Women’s challenge 1st Place

  • Lavallette Women’s tournament 2nd place

  • Seaside Park tournament 2nd place

  • LBTWPBP women’s tournament 3rd place

Additionally, I am proud to say that the AC Press posted a  new video interview/instructional article to articulate and show what a rip current is and how a lifeguard effectively makes a rescue - and they featured HCBP Chief Randy Townsend and his staff demonstrating how to recognize and deal with rip currents.  The AC Press chose Randy and our beach patrol for this film because of our great relationship with them and because of the great work that our patrol does day in and day out. 

Continuing our monthly presentation of the background of the HCPD Officers, this month we present our newest (as in Brand New) Officer, Jonathan Rainier:

Special Officer Class 2 Jonathan Rainier
22 Years Old
Long Beach Township Police Department, Class 2 & Dispatcher, May 2018 - July 2021
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Class 2, July 2021 - Present
Attending Stockton University

Recycling Changes

"Residents please be advised that there's been an increase in acceptable recycling materials allowed by the county. 
You may now place clean and dry chipboard items, including cereal boxes, aluminum food cans foil along with #1, #2, and #5 plastics with the lids and caps on in your recycling bin. All other recycling guidelines are to remain in place. 
Examples of acceptable plastics waste include plastic drink bottles, yogurt containers, disposable cups, juice and milk jugs, and sturdy cosmetic and cleaning bottles. Please continue to refrain from placing plastic bags of any kind in curbside recycling. 
For extensive information on recycling changes, please visit the Public Works tab on the Harvey Cedars website: or call the Public Works office at 609-494-6905. 
Thank you for recycling!" 

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