Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
June 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Memorial Day weekend is over, and summer is officially upon us. The weekend and the storm did leave its mark on the beaches. We will be back out rebuilding the walkovers this week.

The good news is that Harvey Cedars is partnering with the Army Corps of Engineers, and will begin a near shore sand placement project.  The project is a pilot program where they beneficially use the sand that has built up in the Barnegat inlet, transport it, and deposit the sand just off of our beaches. They will place the sand where we have seen the most severe erosion.  We will be using a hopper dredge - the Murden. If you click on this link, you will be able to watch the dredge in action. 

This project will begin next month and last up to 45 days. The Army Corps of Engineers will be placing 150,000 to 200,000 cubic yards of sand just off our shores and it should wash up and build our beaches. The project will avoid all the mobilization a typical project requires. There will be no set up of pipes, baskets, or bulldozers, and there should not be any beach closures.

For more information on the project, you can visit our website for a further explanation and a list of frequently asked questions: 

You will also see activity around town, for example:  completing boulevard paving, cleaning the water tower, replacing the North Holly water main, and repairing the 78th Street dock.

We are looking forward to a great summer.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

BEACH ACCESS PROGRAMThank you again to the Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association for your donation to help fund the new Harvey Cedars Beach Access Polaris.  The Taxpayers Association kindly donated $1,500 toward the purchase, and the remaining portion was funded through a Community Development Block Grant.  Details on how to schedule a ride to the beach can be found on  
Polaris IMG-1479.jpg
(Pictured from left to right:  Chief Robert Burnaford, HCTA President Kathleen Ries, Harvey Cedars Board of Commissioners - Jon Oldham, John M. Imperiale, and Paul Rice.)

BADGES! Beach badges will be required on the beach starting June 26th.  Preseason badge rates are in effect through June 15th.  Any order dropped off or postmarked by June 15th will be at the reduced rate of $35 each.  Badges can be picked up or purchased on Fridays at Borough Hall from 9am to 3pm.  Badges will be available daily starting June 26th at the Beach Badge Booth in Sunset Park from 10am to 3pm.

TOWNWIDE YARDSALE - Due to the inclimate weather on Memorial Day weekend, the annual Taxpayers Association Yard Sale has been carried over to this weekend. 

FIREWORKS - As a reminder, fireworks will be held at dusk on Labor Day Saturday, September 4th in Sunset Park. Donations for the Labor Day Weekend Fireworks celebration are still being accepted.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself and Chief Burnaford, we want to make sure everyone has a safe, happy, and downright wonderful Summer Season!

- As you should have seen by now, the speed limits have been lowered and the traffic lights are operational. Please drive carefully.

- The approved crosswalks are being painted and will be completed soon. Remember always to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalks!

- If you see Office Dan Grundtisch out on Patrol, congratulate him on being named the HCPD Officer of the Year for 2020 ! Officer Grundtisch has done a fabulous job, above and beyond, and is more than worthy of this recognition. Other Officers have been recognized for their outstanding work. You can see those in recent articles in The Sandpaper or on the HCPD Facebook page.

- At the last Borough meeting in May, the third of our first three “Good Neighbor Ordinances" passed, dealing with Noise and setting time limits on use of “power” tools and other noise. The first two dealt with long-term parking and dog waste. I want to thank everyone who provided me with suggestions and guidance on these Ordinances. Keep the ideas and feedback coming!

- Regarding the beach, please note that the Lifeguard schedule for June is posted on the Harvey Cedars borough website:

- You may have seen a News12 New Jersey story this past Wednesday, 5/26, regarding beach towns having trouble staffing for lifeguards this year. They reached out to Chief Burnaford, as I am proud to say they usually do for stories about the Jersey Shore, and our Chief reported how we will have a fully staffed Beach Patrol this year. Chief Burnaford recognized the work our Beach Patrol Chief, Randy Townsend, has done to ensure that we will be fully staffed this year.

- I am pleased to announce that Officer Ben Mrozinski will be assuming the responsibilities of the department's Traffic Safety Officer, replacing Detective Tim Butler who served wonderfully in that role for many years. Officer Mrozinski continues to be responsible for ensuring our medical supplies are fully stocked, and monitoring and posting on the various social media platforms we utilize. Detective Butler will continue with his other responsibilities which include, but are not limited to, handling Evidence, Investigations, Accreditations Management, Vendors, Background Checks, and Grants.

Finally, speaking of Officer Ben Mrozinski, in our continuing presentation of the background of our Officers, this month we present Officer Mrozinski's bio:

Patrolman Ben Mrozinski:
27 Years Old
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Class 1; 2016 - 2017
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Class 2; 2017 - 2018
Harvey Cedars Police Department, Full-Time; 2018 to  Present
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from Stockton University