Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
November autumn.jpg
November 2022 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

Fall is in the air, but winter is around the corner.  Our Public Works crew has been busy working on the beach, flushing hydrants, and putting summer to bed for the winter months.   We are looking to add a piece of playground equipment to Sunset Park this year and, during the budget process, we will be looking to put in for some additional replacement and improvements at the park.  Keep your fingers crossed.
We are also doing a bit of cosmetic work at the Borough Hall.  The building was built in the early 1990s and, after 30 years of use, is starting to show its age.  You will see us working on much of the trim and front entrance area.  There is a lot of deterioration at the clock area and it will require a significant amount of rebuilding.  When work on the Hall is completed, we will all be proud of the building again.  Adding to the improvements at the Borough Hall are new plantings and the care of those by some of our residents is making a real difference. Thank you to those who are volunteering to help make Harvey Cedars a better place.

We have partnered with the Taxpayers Association to get the word out about a great project in Sunset Park.  Click here for information about an opportunity to purchase a brick in Sunset Park and partner with Harvey Cedars to invest in our community.  The Brick Project also offers a holiday gift opportunity with an order deadline of November 7th.  I appreciate the work of the Taxpayers Association on this project.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving,
Jonathan Oldham

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

As a friendly reminder, fourth quarter taxes are due today with a 10 day grace period.   Thank you to everyone that has already paid.

2023 Holiday Beach Badges are on sale now.  This year's holiday badge has limited quantities for sale and features an exclusive holiday design.  The badges can be purchased in person at Borough Hall during regular business hours or mail your check in with the order form available by clicking this link.  Badges will not be mailed, they must be picked up.

The Harvey Cedars Activity Committee's Annual Wine Tasting has returned! Join us on Saturday, November 5th at the High Point Firehouse from 5:30PM-7:30pm for 35+ different wines and hors d'oeuvres. There are still tickets available! Tickets can be purchased at Borough Hall during regular office hours for $45 per person.

The finance department wishes you a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

We held another very successful HCPD Community Forum on October 26, with Detective Tim Butler presenting an overview of the role of the detective in the HCPD, and discussing crime prevention, scams, grants and much more. As usual, the Q and A session was terrific, so thank you to all who attended.

Next up, on Wednesday, November 16th at 5 P.M. will be the final HCPD Community Forum for this year, with Officer Nick D’Andrea and Officer Chris Oldham presenting First Aid and Resident Services, with topics to include a CPR Demo, other first aid topics, 911 procedures, First Aid/AED equipment, the HCPD drone program and more. Mark your calendar for another excellent HCPD Community Forum.

November marks another year of the HCPD participating in the “No Shave November” campaign to raise money and awareness for those impacted by a cancer diagnosis. The Chief, our Officers, and I will put down our razors for the entire month in an effort to support David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation efforts. Please help us raise money by donating today! More info can be found on our website

At the Borough meeting on October 7th, we had a great presentation from Bob Schuster of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding the dead fish in our coves this summer. He was able to present the “why” of why this happened. However, as there were outstanding questions about any health implications from the dead fish, I have invited Dan Krupinski, the head of the LBI Health Department to attend the first Borough meeting in November - Friday, Nov. 4th at 4:30 to discuss any health concerns regarding the fish kill and answer all questions.

Thanks to all who participated in the Town-wide clean-up on Saturday, October 22nd, and a special Thank You to the Harvey Cedars Taxpayers Association for their leadership in this, and so many other events.

October brought the ten year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. Chief Burnaford delivered remarks at Southern Regional High School’s “Homage to Heroes” on Oct. 18th on behalf of all first responders at a concert to commemorate the event. We should be proud that it was the HC Chief of Police who was asked to speak.

Hope to see you at the High Point Firehouse for the Wine Tasting on Saturday, November 5th!

Another reminder: If you are going to be away at all, register for the HCPD Winter House Registration Program. Property owners can register online ( or fill out this form and email it to

And on behalf of Chief Burnaford and myself, a Happy Thanksgiving to all!
