October 2023 Newsletter


Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham


 Fall is here and Public Works is busy as ever.  We are fixing the beach entrances after the storms from the last two weeks as well as removing the remainder of the beach mats and putting many of the trash cans away for the winter. 


Many of you may have noticed that the water tank is collecting mold on the bottom due to the moisture and lack of sun light.  We will be cleaning the tank later this month.  When it’s done, the tank will look clean and new again. 


If you haven’t taken a trip out to the point at Sunset Park, you are missing out.  Phase One is complete and it looks even better than I thought it would.  The engraved bricks are coming later this month and will be installed as soon as they come in.  I want to thank so many of you who have made this dream a reality.  I also want to thank those who worked alongside me to make this happen.  It would not have happened without so many people pitching in.  If you have not yet joined the memorial project, there is still time.  You can still purchase a brick and leave a mark on our town.


To jumpstart the creation of our first ever, Harvey Cedars calendar, we are looking for your help. We will be running a photo contest, where selected photos will be highlighted in the calendar.  Forward any digital photos (recommended 300 dpi) of Harvey Cedars you would like to be considered to hcdpw@harveycedars.org.  Older, hard copies can be mailed to: Public Works, PO Box 3185, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008 for possible inclusion in the calendar.  If you submit hard copy photographs and wish them returned, please include your name, address and telephone number in the envelope. The deadline for submissions is October 31st.


As in the past, there will be a large supply of dune grass available to residents for pick up on October 6th.  The dune grass will be left outside the public works gate for residents to access over the October 6th weekend. During the week grass can be picked up in the DPW yard.  Planting dune grass each fall is vital to our beach protection efforts.



Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice


October is a slower month for the finance office.  We are preparing to begin the annual budget process.


The tax office is preparing to send out the Added/Omitted tax billing.  They will be sent out next week for those property owners that have additional assessments.  These bills are in addition to the originally billed taxes and are due November 1st.  


This month the Harvey Cedars Activity Committee is hosting their annual Wine Tasting event on October 28th from 5:30-7:30pm at the High Point Firehouse. This event is a great place to get together with neighbors and friends before the busy holiday season. Come out and enjoy 35+ national wine brands and hors d'oeuvres.  Tickets are $50 per attendee and are now available for purchase. Tickets can be purchased at borough hall from Monday-Friday 8:30-4pm or by mailing a check to PO Box 3185 Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008. Space is limited!


If you're looking to get a jump on your holiday shopping, check out the Harvey Cedars Activity Committee online storefront by clicking here. All purchases go towards events and activities hosted by the HCAC!



Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale


The HCPD Community Forums resumed in September with a terrific presentation from Dan Krupinski, head of the LBI Health Department. Dan presented the background and operations of the LBI Health Department and discussed all of the health and safety tasks the department regularly performs for island municipalities. The scope of their work was eye-opening for many residents, who now have a great appreciation for all they do. Thank you, Dan, and thanks to everyone who attended and again led a thorough q and a session.


With the storms and horrible weather through much of September, our Police Department and Beach Patrol had their hands full. We had many days of strong winds and dangerous rip currents throughout the month. We updated our social media platforms and other communication vehicles frequently to keep the public well informed of conditions. And the HCPD had all extra emergency vehicles, such as the "5-ton, hummer” available, and posted on social media in regards to where to call in case of power outages.  I did receive several calls from residents about lines down. The HCPD responded immediately to insure no safety issues. Thankfully, other than Comcast being down for several hours, no serious issues were reported.


In September the HCPD went through its 4th re-accreditation assessment and the assessors from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police found no issues. Official re-accreditation will follow soon, but it is not too soon to congratulate Chief Burnaford and the entire HCPD on once again demonstrating their complete professionalism and expertise.


We have been asked to provide some HCPD statistics, so here are some numbers for the summer months of July and August”


Traffic Stops: 441

Summonses Issued: 138

Motor Vehicle Accidents: 12

Medical Assistance: 42


Our beach patrol has officially closed out another great summer season. Thank you to Beach Operations Chief Randy Townsend and his entire staff for providing great services from our lifeguards, beach badge checkers, beach transportation program etc. We are already looking forward to 2024!

And here are some some HC Beach Patrol stats for the season:


126 days on duty

13 guarded beaches

47,616 swimmers (estimated)

200 rescues

14 named storms in the Atlantic Ocean

16 lifeguard tournaments, rows, and individual competitions entered 10 podium finishes

8th consecutive island championship

I hope to see many of you at the Wine Tasting at the Firehouse on Saturday, Oct.28th. Always a great time! And THANKS to the Activity Committee for making it happen! Check www.harveycedars.org for information. 


A reminder: It is not too early to think about registering for the HCPD Winter House Registration Program. Property owners can register online (www.hcpolice.org) or fill out this form and email it to dtilton@hcpolice.org. It is a great piece of mind for our property owners when they are not here.


Finally, another reminder: I have been asked by the Friends of the Island Library to expand on the American History talks I gave in February and March, and so on Saturday, October 7th, from 10:00 -12:00, I will make a presentation entitled: A Citizen’s Look at the U.S. Constitution. I expect we will have another good interactive discussion. I hope many of you can attend. To register to attend and for information about membership in the Friends of the Island Library, stop by the library for a brochure or email lbif@theoceancountylibrary.org


Clerk’s Office – Municipal Clerk/ Anna Grimste


Election day is November 7, 2023, polls will be open 6am to 8pm.  Feel free to call or stop in if you have any questions regarding election rules and regulations.  The Ocean County Elections Board has a very helpful website where registration status can be checked and many questions can be answered.  Click link for Ocean County Election Board.