Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
November 2020 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

There is a lot going on in town right now.  The County will be completing the drainage repairs on the Boulevard shortly and paving should begin near the middle of November.  This part of the project should go quickly.  They will mill the existing pavement and come right behind with new asphalt.  Then they will realign the traffic lanes.  The paving on Cedars Avenue will begin on the 19th of November and should be completed in a very short time period.

In addition, our Public Works crew is working hard this month, completing a number of yearly tasks.  We recently flushed all the hydrants, put away all the beach mats and lifeguard stands for the winter.  We will shortly be closing the park bathrooms and winterizing the sprinklers in the ball field.  Our crew will also be replacing the water main on East 72nd Street before the frost sets in.  We will then transfer the water services over to the new main in preparation of repaving 72nd Street next year.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

We are currently renegotiating our short-term debt interest rate.  Rates are at historic lows and we should be able to save roughly $16,000 in interest payments in the upcoming year. 

For your convenience and ours, we would also like to encourage everyone to visit our website and sign up for the direct debit options to pay your taxes and water/sewer bills.  In doing so, you can help keep our office costs down year over year.  Click here for more information and a form.

I would also like to once again express my appreciation to our former Commissioner of Revenue and Finance, Judy Gerkens, and congratulate her on the naming of her path at Sunset Park for her 30+ years of service to Harvey Cedars.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

I am proud to start this report by reiterating, for those who have not heard, that the Harvey Cedars Police Department has successfully achieved its 3rd "Police Agency Re-Accreditation” through the NJSACOP (New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police) Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. This is a voluntary state-wide program that implements and proves many policies and procedures that aids in the overall operational efficiency of the department. This is an ongoing process that is re-examined by assessors from the NJSACOP every three years. Congratulations to Chief Burnaford, Detective Tim Butler, who oversees the Accreditation process, and the entire Department.

With regard to the HCPD, we had planned a series of six monthly “HCPD Community Forums” for this year, so that HC residents can learn about the HCPD, its Policies and Procedures, and meet the members of the Department. Obviously, we could not do that this year, but hopefully we will next year - they are ready to go! Until then, though, I thought I would send out the HCPD Organization Chart so that you can see all of the members of the Department and their assigned roles and responsibilities. Take a look at the Chart below and feel free to contact myself (609-665-5652) or Chief Burnaford if you have any questions.

This has been a busy time for the HCPD given all of the road work, but they have done a terrific job in keeping things safe. Throughout the road construction project, there have been no auto accidents or other incidents.

We are entering the time of the year where our Officers typically complete their annual on-line virtual and in person training courses, an extensive series of training, both state mandated and continuing education training, that ensures they maintain their standards of excellence. Scheduling training in the Fall and Winter allows us to have full staffing during the “busy” season.

NO SHAVE NOVEMBER: Officers (and myself!) will go through the month of November without shaving to raise awareness and funds for those impacted by a cancer diagnosis. Info and ways to donate will be available on 

We urge all property owners to utilize our free winter house check program. Property owners can go to and register their home. Officers will periodically check on their property to ensure that all doors and windows are secure, there are no water leaks, etc. And, most importantly, if there is an issue with the property, the Officers have a contact phone number to call.

HCPD org chart.jpg

On behalf of all the Harvey Cedars Commissioners and employees, we wish everyone a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.