Borough of Harvey Cedars, Ocean County, NJ
January 2021 Hometown News

Department of Public Works & Public Property - Commissioner/Mayor Jonathan Oldham

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  I am hoping it will be better than 2020.  Putting things in perspective, I have been trying to focus on some of the positive things from this year, cherish each day, and focus on the things that matter most.  I also want to recognize High Point Volunteer Fire Company and Barnegat Light First Aid Squad for putting together our first Santa Run.  It was a huge boost to morale, not only for the kids, but for everyone young and old.  Great job.

We have had a number of north east storms and the beaches suffered some erosion, especially in the middle, to south end of town.  We didn’t lose any dune fence, but there was a bit of erosion.  The beaches are the backbone to our existence, first line of defense, and the engine that drives our economy.  We are working on a pilot program to add additional sand into the beach system.

The boulevard still has some deficiencies and the lanes have not been finally painted.  The manholes and some of the storm drains are also not at the correct level.  We have brought these items to the attention of the County and they will address the outstanding issues with the contractor.  In the next few months Atlantic City Electric will be trimming the trees that have grown into the transmission lines.  This is commonly done to minimize power interruptions.

There are a few changes to the trash contract for 2021.  You will no longer need to bundle tree branches.  Branches will need to be cut in four-foot lengths neatly piled.  The limit is a four-foot cube of trimmings.  This year there will also be one bulk pick up in July and August. At our taxpayers' meetings, I commonly heard the desire for bulk pick up in the summer months, and so we added them to the contract.  We will be mailing out the trash calendars shortly.  In the meantime, you can find the pickup schedule on our website.

We have a number of additional improvements in the planning stages. More information to follow.  Wishing you a Happy New Year.  
Stay Safe.

Department of Revenue & Finance – Commissioner Paul Rice

This month the Borough received reimbursement from Ocean County for OCCARES for COVID expenditures.  The Borough received $67,691.62 for our expenses from March 1st through September 30th. The process for the final submission will cover expenses from October 1st through the end of the year, this submission will occur early in 2021.  To date all of our submissions have been reimbursed, from cleaning expenses to the lumber for additional lifeguard stands.  

Next year we are planning for a great concert lineup, craft shows, and arts festival.  We are ever hopeful to return to life as "normal".  With anticipation of a more normal summer, we will be accepting donations for next summer's fireworks starting in the spring.

During the current COVID resurgence, we have again transitioned to ZOOM for all public meetings. The next Borough meeting is Friday, January 8, 2021.  Anyone wishing to participate may register at

Have a safe and healthy New Year.

Department of Public Safety & Public Affairs – Commissioner/Deputy Mayor John M. Imperiale

On behalf of myself, Police Chief Burnaford, Beach Patrol Chief Townsend, and all the members of the HCPD and the HC Beach Patrol, we wish everyone a great and Happy (and healthy) New Year.

The Harvey Cedars Police Department is launching a new program for the New Year: the HCPD CCC Program: Cops Contributing to the Community. The HCPD CCC Program will capture and document the various activities that HCPD Officers do for the Harvey Cedars community, above and beyond their normal police duties. The Program will BUILD ON activities already being done by the HCPD and expand on them to include a greater reach and impact upon the community.

The members of the Harvey Cedars Police Department have always sought to find opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways to the community they serve. The HCPD CCC is an exciting way to show their dedication and commitment. It is envisioned that the program will bring new ideas and initiatives to the Department's attention. Activities such as philanthropic initiatives, through the HCPD Foundation and fundraising events such as the annual “No Shave November “campaign, local school partnerships, educational volunteer programs, nonprofit Board membership and assistance, partnerships with community-based organizations, resident interaction and assistance, and other community-based activities will be tracked by the HCPD CCC Program.

Everything done through the HCPD CCC Program will be done in the name of the entire Department.  Individual Officers are not looking for recognition, but this Program will give true recognition to the Department as a whole.

I am happy to announce that Patrolman Nick D’Andrea was sworn in as a full time Harvey Cedars Police Officer.  Officer D'Andrea has been an HC Class 2 Officer since March 6th and has performed incredibly well all year. He has been a tremendous asset to Harvey Cedars.  He has an Associate Degree in Social Science from OCC. We will hold an official swearing in ceremony when Patrolman D’Andrea’s family can attend.

Last month I gave you the background of Chief Burnaford. This month I would like to present the HCPD Sergeants:

Sergeant Steve Frazee
42 Years Old
Seaside Heights Police Department, Class 1; April 1998 - September 1998
Tuckerton Police Department, March 1999 - April 2005
Member of the Harvey Cedars Police Department for 15 Years, May 2005 - Present
Masters Degree in Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Sergeant Kevin Snow
34 Years Old
Beach Haven Police Department, May 2005 - December, 2010
Member of the Harvey Cedars Police Department for 10 Years, January 2011- Present
Sociology Degree from William Paterson University