Iron Mountain Stage Company is Auditioning for its Spring Show, directed by Rich Ahrens and Sue Klein. 


Flamingo Court: Life in Three Condos  

by Luigi Creatore 


This three part "slice of life" takes place in three condos. Audiences will laugh at the truths they recognize in their own neighbors - only zanier. 


Auditions will be held at the Ringwood Public Library, 30 Cannici Dr, Ringwood: 

Thursday, February 1, 7-8 pm 

Saturday, February 3, 11 am - 12 pm 

Performances will be at the Community Presbyterian Church, 145 Carletondale Rd, Ringwood:  

 April 19-21, April 26-28


Adult Roles:  5 female, 5 male 


Act I

Angelina - Italian, caring moved a year ago from Brooklyn

Marie - Nosey, abrupt matchmaker  

Dominic - Italian, romantic, man of honor


Act II

Clara - Gentle, firm, opinionated, with early stage dementia

Arthur - Clara's husband 



Harry Rossoff - Feisty, celebrating his 89th birthday 

Mark Segal - Hearing aid salesman 

Charity Pipick - Harry's pushy, overbearing daughter 

Walter Pipick: Charity's spineless husband (lawyer)

Chi Chi - a hooker 


Questions: Email Sue Klein at or Rich Aherns at