The Municipal Clerks’ Association of New Jersey is now accepting New and Renewal Membership Applications for FY2025  
(7/1/24 – 6/30/25) through our online system.  

MCANJ offers the following classes of membership:

1. Regular Membership – Any person holding the office of Municipal Clerk, Acting Municipal Clerk, County Clerk, or Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of any Municipality or County in NJ. ($100 Annual Fee)  
2. Associate Membership – Any person holding the office of Deputy or Assistant Municipal Clerk, Deputy County Clerk, or Deputy Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. ($75 Annual Fee)  
3. Honorary Membership – Any Regular, Associate or Affiliate Member in good standing upon retirement. $0 Annual Fee (Honorary Members must still renew their membership online each year so we have your most up-to-date contact information).  
4. Affiliate Member – Any person holding any governmental or educational office of employment, or any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Association who is not eligible for Regular, Associate or Honorary membership. ($75 Annual Fee)
Registration online is simple and quick. You don’t need to send your PO for our signature, as the confirmation/invoice which is generated from the system has been approved by the Local Finance Board to be acceptable for use by Counties and Municipalities in the State.   
 Credit card payments are accepted!
Help keep our membership strong by prompt submission of your membership application on or before October 1, 2024 and to stay up to date with constant ongoing changes in our profession!
Click here to renew!

MCANJ Website Manager