Dear Fellow MCANJ Members:


On behalf of myself and the entire MCANJ Executive Board, we send you our best wishes for your continued safety and well-being.  Our paramount concern is for the safety of our MCANJ membership, as well as our immediate and extended family members and others with whom we associate.  We are all in this together!


As a result of guidance from the CDC to cancel large meetings for the next 8 weeks, and other health and travel concerns and restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the MCANJ Executive Board has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Annual Education Conference scheduled for April 27 to April 30 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, NJ. We appreciate your patience as we have been carefully monitoring this dynamic situation. We will miss spending time with you in AC, but the health and safety of our members is our primary concern. Also, we appreciate the significant contributions that have been made by our Advisory Committee and Education Conference Committee leaders and Executive Director in preparation for this year's meeting.


The next MCANJ Education Conference shall be held the week of 15 March 2021 at the Hard Rock, Atlantic City, NJ.  Rest assured, we are evaluating options and working to potentially implement remote learning or otherwise defer accreditation obligations. 


All Annual Education Conference registration monies received to date will be refunded. Please be patient as each payment is entered into the system for individual refund.  Those 15 scholarship recipient names that were drawn at the conclusion of the 2019 conference will be eligible to receive a 2021 conference registration scholarship.


Coordination for an election process of the FY 2021 MCANJ Secretary position is being reviewed and we will continue to update you as that develops.  We are working with our legal counsel to ensure all matters are addressed in compliance with laws and contract requirements. In that regard, we are also exploring a remote ceremony for the FY2021 Executive Board members to take their oaths of office.


I am immensely grateful for and proud of how our Executive Board has come together at this time, and the exceptional work and dedication of our Executive Director, Joel Popkin.  We are a “TEAM” that cares and we ask that you extend courtesy and respect to your fellow Municipal Clerks and your communities by being vigilant about your own health and practicing heightened cleanliness behavior.


Thank you for your consideration and for your involvement in MCANJ.


At the 2019 MCANJ Education Conference, I promised you a conference like no other and I am a person of my word.  This is a Conference like no other - in the history of MCANJ, we have never had to cancel an Annual Education Conference. I am so, so very sorry to not be sharing this special time with you.


Please stay healthy and MCANJ strong!


Diane M Pflugfelder, RMC/MMC