MCANJ will be holding a session at the NJ League of Municipalities Conference on Wednesday, November 16th at 10:45 AM called “Open Public & Executive Meeting Etiquette” with Richard Cushing, Esq. of Gebhardt & Kiefer, P.C. Atty. Cushing has asked for members of MCANJ to provide questions to him that you may have about these subjects and he and his associates will answer these questions during their presentation. MCANJ will run a feature article in the January Quill with your questions and the answers as well for those that may not be able to attend the League next month. If your questions can be emailed to  or if you want to mail something instead that is fine: 

Alexandria Township, Attn: Michele Bobrowski 

242 Little York-Mt. Pleasant Road 

                        Milford, NJ 08848 


Don’t be shy…..this is your opportunity to have questions answered that keep you up all night after a meeting or a situation that arose and you did not agree with and question it on these subjects. All questions provided to Atty. Cushing will be anonymous and he will not know who or what municipality you are from. Questions you may have can be sent anonymously to me too or if you want me to follow up with you after the league if you did not attend, I can do that as well if you wish. I want you to do what works best for you and what you are comfortable with. This is a great opportunity to ask away-Deadline for all questions is November 1st .


Some situations that you may have encountered and have a question on could be: 

  1. You were asked to leave Executive Session because the Council said you didn’t need to be there and take minutes 
  2. Who exactly is allowed in Executive Session 
  3. When is a Rice Notice required and what happens if an employee is talked about without the Rice Notice 
  4. A meeting was requested last minute and you didn’t have time to advertise 
  5. Residents in my town only want zoom meetings anymore, does the town need to continue with them if they do not want to even though the public is demanding they continue 

Hope the above scenarios help you come up with a question/concern you have come across and looking forward to having them answered for you.


Michele Bobrowski, MMC, CMC, RMC, CPM, CMR 

IIMC Athenian Fellow 

1st Vice-President Municipal Clerks’ Association of New Jersey