MCANJ MAY NEWS     image.png


Dear Members, 

I hope that this month’s news finds you and yours well.  My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are impacted by COVID-19.

April showers have become depressing.  I can’t get into my gardens; I’ve read multiple books; even completed many Christmas gifts projects and began spending too much time on Facebook.  Pictured above is my windowsill garden that I saw on Facebook.  The romaine lettuce and celery really are growing.  I have too much unproductive time on my hands.


The MCANJ Good News for May 2020 is;

#1. MCANJ 2020 Webinar Conference was a success!  First I want to sincerely thank Danielle Holland and Mike Darcy from the New Jersey League of Municipalities for giving MCANJ this opportunity and coordinating our webinar sessions.  Without them we would have had no 2020 Conference.  

“By the Numbers” – Thank you to Joe Monzo for this interesting session on the potential budget impact of COVID-19.  We had 238 attendees for this session.

“From Hops to Growlers” – Lisa Barata’s time was greatly appreciated as she reviewed the 2020 amended dates for ABC license renewals.  There were 228 attendees in this session.

“Knowing the Chronological Index” – Was a unique experience that we enjoyed Eileen Gore having shared with us.  It was MCANJ’s first interactive session with 200 attendees.  Thank you Eileen and congratulations Michele Siegfried on earning the highest score.

“Ethics during a Crisis” – Thank you to Tom Prol for his legal review of ethical considerations during a time of crisis and reminding us how important we are as Municipal Clerks.  This session had 231 attendees.

Please be patient – I hope to have your CEU certificates from this webinar sessions out to you in the near future.

#2.  Have you responded to your email to vote for the incoming MCANJ Secretary?  Don’t delay.  Only one ballot may be filed per municipality as per MCANJ Constitution and Bylaws.  The last day to vote is Friday, 8 May 2020.

Again there is so much information out there within daily Executive Orders that I do not want to impose on your time.

Be safe, be well and be positive.  We are Municipal Clerks of New Jersey and we are strong!

Diane M Pflugfelder RMC, MMC  

Municipal Clerk/Administrator

Township of Liberty

349 Mountain Lake Road

Great Meadows, N.J. 07838

Telephone: 908.637.4579

Fax: 908.637.6916

