In case you missed it. Here's the latest email from DLGS regarding Certification changes.

MCANJ Website Manager

The Director of the Division of Local Government Services has adopted regulatory amendments implementing certain changes relevant to DLGS-licensed positions.  These
changes include:

-       The ability to bank up to 50% of surplus continuing education (CEU) contact hours earned during a license renewal cycle extended pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-
18.5 into the next renewal
cycle. This carry over allowance is effective one time only.
-       Commencing with qualified purchasing agent (QPA) license renewals due by December 31, 2022: 
          -     increasing from 20 to 25 the total number of CEU contact hours a QPA must earn during a license renewal cycle; and
          -     increasing the minimum required number of CEU contact hours for the "procurement procedures" category from two (2) to five (5).
-       Creating a new optional continuing education category for QPAs on compliance with public works contracting laws.
-       Requiring a contracting unit to notify its auditor whenever a QPA vacates the position, unless the auditor makes an annual inquiry on whether a contracting unit
has appointed a QPA or temporary QPA.

Local Finance Notice 2022-15, available at, provides further details on the adopted regulations and links to
the updated regulatory text.

Goes to: All DLGS-Licensed Officials, Administrators/Managers; Authority Officials; Fire District Officials; DLGS Listserv; Auditor Listserv
