Hi All, this OPRA bill is moving fast, and we are encouraging you to join the NJLM lunch and learn so you can hear about OPRA and the changes that are coming.  We highly doubt there will be amendments to the bill.  

Attached is a full copy of the bill. 

Below is the information on the NJLM Lunch & Learn:

NJLM Thursday Lunch & Learn Webinar: OPRA Reform, TTF Reauthorization, and Affordable Housing

On Thursday, March 7 at noon, the League is hosting a 90-minute Lunch & Learn briefing to discuss priority League legislation: reauthorization of the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), affordable housing reform, and Open Public Records Act (OPRA) reform.  All are scheduled for consideration in the next two weeks.  

Register here https://www.njlm.org/FormCenter/Legislative-Briefing

OPRA Reform. Senate President Scutari and Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairman Paul Sarlo introduced S-2930. It is scheduled to be considered by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on Monday, March 11. The League supports this legislation as it gives greater discretion to records custodians regarding duplicate and anonymous requests; encourages that documents be placed online and provides funding to facilitate that goal; prohibits records requests made by data brokers who take the information for commercial purposes; increases the membership of the Government Records Council; establishes a Police Record Access Improvement Task Force; and implements recommendations from the Privacy Study Commission to provide privacy protections for our residents. The Assembly counterpart, A-4045, has been introduced and referred to the Assembly State and Local Government Committee. The League is supportive of these efforts to modernize a more than two-decade-old records law. 

MCANJ Website Manager