The MCANJ is having our Free Legal Seminar for Legal Defense Fund Members in January.  Check out the attached flyer for registration information.  Our speakers will be Jonathan Frodella, Esq. and Anne Mulhern, Esq. from Laddy, Clark & Ryan.  

Mandatory Participation in Executive Sessions

Compensation Issues for Municipal Clerks

Appointments of Clerks (Regular, Acting and Deputy)

Rice Notice Refresher

Tenure Rights

What to do if you feel that a male is making more money than you and jobs are similar

Who does the Municipal Clerk report to? Administrator? Mayor? Governing Body Members?

What to do if you suspect you may have a Harassment Complaint

How to handle an unruly subordinate

Personnel Policies

Question/Answer period on other legal issues

Speaker John Mitch, Chairperson (10 minutes or so)

Cases and Issues Covered by the LDF/How it works and how to get assistance

Process for Filing for LDF Assistance

For all day we applied and received the following CEU's

1.0 CEU in Ethics and 2.0 in PD

1.0 hours for IIMC

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