The BCMCA will be hosting a webinar, Thursday, April 15, on Budget Review/Updates 2021, at 10:00 a.m. presented by Joe Monzo, Municipal Consulting, LLC. CEUs have been approved for RMC, 2 Finance and CMFO, 2 Budgeting.  See attached Webinar Notice to register.

Joe Monzo has been a public finance expert for 40 years holding the Certified Municipal Finance Officer designation since 1989, retiring from active municipal duty in July 2019.

Over the last 15 years of his 40-year career of public service Joe served as the full time Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Manager in South Brunswick, part time Chief Financial Officer in Rocky Hill Borough and Mansfield Township. In addition, Joe had also served as the Chief Financial Officer in Lawrence, Millstone and Ewing Townships. At the State level Joe served as the Deputy Director and Acting Director of the NJ State Division of Local Government Services in 2003.

Over the course of his working career Joe was an adjunct professor for Rutgers University in both the Finance Officer and Master of Public Administration curriculums.

Since his retirement Joe has started a consulting company that assists local government in financial matters, professional searches and conducts webinars on topics facing the finance and local government community.

Joe will be covering a variety of topics regarding the budget process incorporating current day issues.