Attached you will find the flyer and registration for our 2nd Athenian and Taking it to the Streets Series for MCANJ. Our 2nd Series takes us to the Springfield Township Fire Department (Union County) for the day to talk about the book: First In, Last Out by John Salka. Our special guests who will be joining us are Risk Manager Bill Ruch, from Statewide Insurance who is also a Fire Academy Instructor and Springfield Fire Capt. Mike Mastroeni. They have read this book and are excited to discuss it with you along with the Leadership Traits discussed in the book. Bill Ruch from Statewide Insurance has taught a Leadership Lesson Series at the Fire Academy based on this book and attendees will not only earn 3 credits to put towards their CMC/MMC but you will also earn a Leadership Lesson Series Certification along with CEU’s in Professional Development and Ethics. This is a great book to jump in for Municipal Clerks who serve dual roles as a Municipal Clerk/Administrator and are looking for affordable courses in Leadership. I know joining some Associations for that position is expensive as is the certification program. This is a great stepping stone for Municipal Clerks in this dual role at an affordable price ($50.00) to learn about leadership with fellow Municipal Clerks just like you, it’s a great networking opportunity for you in this role, and a unique learning opportunity. I hope you take advantage of this to better yourself and to challenge yourself as these are my goals for you this year.


Along with discussing the book First in, Last out for our Athenian, we will see the behind the scenes of the Springfield Township Fire Department, meet the fireman, see how the department operates, equipment needed, equipment worn, trucks used for calls, etc. We are going to immerse ourselves with the book and learn hands on about the inner workings of a fire department. I would like to thank Bill Ruch from Statewide Insurance and Fire Capt. Mastroeni in helping us in this experience and engaging us in this learning process. If you are not sure what an Athenian Dialogue is, come on out and see a interactive learning experience like no other, you will truly enjoy it. These are by far my favorite educational learning programs I’ve done.


I hope you can join us in this one-of-a-kind learning opportunity on Monday, August 28th!!!! Hope to see you there 😊




MCANJ President