
We are pleased to share some promising news regarding the progress of S-2930/A-4065, legislation aimed at modernizing the Open Public Records Act (OPRA). While we're not over the line just yet, the favorable passage of this bill marks a significant step forward in making various and long-overdue reforms to OPRA.

The Municipal Clerks Association of New Jersey (MCANJ) extends its gratitude to the Senate and Assembly for their bipartisan support in passing this legislation. We especially thank the Senate President, Speaker, Senator Sarlo, Senator Bucco, Assemblyman Danielsen, and Assemblywoman Flynn for their sponsorship and tireless efforts to reach this point.

This legislation is crucial as it not only preserves access to public records but also addresses privacy concerns that have been recommended for over two decades. Additionally, it helps level the playing field regarding attorney fees, which is a significant advancement in ensuring fairness for all parties involved.

While there's still work to be done on other reforms, we remain committed to collaborating with the Legislature to achieve further improvements. We are hopeful that Governor Murphy will quickly sign this legislation into law, bringing us one step closer to a more transparent and accountable governance.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to these important initiatives.

Michele Brobowski, President and Kim-Marie White, Past President