Municipal Clerks’ Association of New Jersey

Legal Defense Fund

The Legal Defense Fund was established by the Municipal Clerks’ Association to financially assist Municipal Clerks when actions have been taken against them in the performance of their duties. 

The Legal Defense Fund application for FY 2024 is now open to members of MCANJ. Initial Dues are $75 for the year and renewals are $25 for each subsequent year. The application for LDF membership can be found on our website – Click on Legal Defense Fund and find the application. Use your 4 digit Membership ID and password you obtained when you renewed your MCANJ membership to log into the application.  Once you complete the application, you will get confirmation of your membership. New for FY2024, we now accept credit card payments! If paying by check, please mail a copy of the invoice with your check.

Please remember that your payment is due by November 1, 2023. If your payment is not received by that date, you will be deleted from the system and have to join as a new member. Thank you!

Important! You must renew your MCANJ Annual Membership before you can join or renew with the Legal Defense Fund.

MCANJ Website Manager