Dear MCANJ Members-
We wanted to let you know that the 12 Noon Lunch & Learn being sponsored by the NJLM on June 11th has reached capacity. The NJLM is offering a second presentation at 3PM on Wednesday, June 11th as well. When you register on the link for the Noon presentation you will automatically be enrolled now into the 3PM presentation. While the session is free, advanced registration is required. Click Here to Register!
These are some highlights of the bill:
Please do not rely on news accounts and social media coverage of the bill because unfortunately there has been a lot of misinformation these past few months and days as to what the bill entails which has been unfortunate. The June 11th presentation will provide a complete update of the new OPRA reform and additional learning opportunities will be provided over the next few months prior to the bill being taking effect.
Michele Bobrowski, MCANJ President & Kim Marie White, MCANJ Past President/MCANJ OPRA Liasion