MCANJ 2023 Conference registration is live! Visit Early bird registration ends February 17th. Last day to register is February 28th. Hotel registration ends February 15th.

  • Full conference schedule to be posted online soon. We have lots of sessions lined up in various topics such as: 1st Amendment Rights, Records Retention, OPRA updates from the GRC, FAST System, Filling vacancies for statutory positions and tenure, Elections, NJLM updates from Lori Buckelew, Difference between OPRA and Common Law, PACO regulations, and much more. 

  • If you choose to pay for the hotel via a purchase order, please follow the instructions posted online. 
  • Super 50/50 tickets are on sale now through the conference! 

  • Know of any retired or deceased Municipal Clerks? Email us their information so they can be included in the conference program and the next edition of the Quill.


MCANJ Website Manager