Dear Members,                                                                            


Please allow me this opportunity to say Thank You to the membership of the Municipal Clerks’ Association of New Jersey (MCANJ) for allowing me to serve as your President FY2020.  As I sit here and reflect on FY 2020 I am full of gratitude and appreciation to our members.  Although this was not how the year was supposed to end for me, nor begin for Eileen, we will grow strong through these experiences.

Each member of MCANJ plays an invaluable role, and when we combine our talents and abilities, great things can happen.  We know it’s true because we’ve seen the power of MCANJ teamwork again and again.  When we all get behind shared goals and values, and make our unique individual contributions to the group effort, everyone achieves more.  Through your commitment to MCANJ team work, we can all reach new heights of success.

Municipal Clerks are the glue that holds local government together and we are MCANJ strong!


Diane M Pflugfelder,      

FY 2020 MCANJ President



The MCANJ Good News for July 2020 is;

#1. Let us welcome in the FY2021 Executive Board;

President, Eileen Gore, Hamilton Township

First Vice President, Kim Marie White, Easthampton Township

Second Vice President, Denise Cafone, Fairfield Township

Treasurer, Michele Bobrowski, Alexandria Township

Secretary, Lucy Samuelsen, Somers Point City

Immediate Past President, Diane M Pflugfelder, Liberty Township

Executive Director, Joel Popkin


#2.  S-2496 is still out there but at this immediate time we have to get through the 7 July Primary and experience our first mail-in election.  On behalf of MCANJ, Kevin Galland, MCANJ FY2019 President, has had conversation with Senator’s Sarlo’s office regarding this Bill.  Following the July Primary and with these election procedures in hand, conversations will open between MCANJ and the Senator.  Please continue to forward your concerns and Primary experiences to President Gore for preparation of this joint discussion.