Hello Members of MCANJ-


I hope this message finds you all well and that you enjoyed the holidays these past few weeks with your loved ones. As the year comes to an end, the Executive Board wants to wish our Executive Director, Joel Popkin nothing but the best on his retirement from the Municipal Clerks' Association of NJ where he has served our membership and guided the Executive Board for many, many years and now he and his wife can enjoy more time relaxing in the sun in Florida.


Our Assistant Executive Director, Vinnie Buttiglieri who has been shadowing Joel over the past year to take over the role of Executive Director in 2024 has been afforded an opportunity to move to South Carolina the beginning of January to enjoy his retirement as well. The Executive Board wishes nothing but the best to these two incredible men and the best of luck on their new exciting chapters of their lives.


With all that being said, the Municipal Clerks' Association of NJ finds itself in need of an Executive Director to assist the Executive Board moving forward. As we regroup in the beginning of 2024, the Executive Board will be reviewing the job duties and responsibilities needed to assist our membership and Association. An ad for this position will be placed on our website soon for those interested in applying.


Our main focus is and will always be on the Association and to continue our long-standing tradition of quality education, resourcefulness, and networking for our members.


Though we are not as lucky as Joel and Vinnie to unwind and relax with retirement in the coming days, I can’t wait to see what you all accomplish in 2024 as Municipal Clerks!!


Wishing you all nothing but the best for the New Year!




Michele Bobrowski, MMC, CMC, RMC, CMR, CPM

President, MCANJ