Morris County Energy Cooperative Program


Community Energy Aggregation Program





Dear Borough of Mendham Resident,


Since February 2017, the Borough of Mendham, in conjunction with the Morris Area Energy Cooperative (“MAEC”), established a Community Energy Aggregation Program. The program was designed to save residents money on the supply portion of their electric bills, and since the program began, the MAEC has reported that participating residents saved over $2,542,994. The cooperative includes fourteen (14) participating municipalities and represents over 42,873 households.


The contract that the Morris Area Energy Cooperative (MAEC) with IDT Energy Inc. to furnish your electric supply through the Community Energy Aggregation Program is ending on November 30, 2021.  Since the program is ending, all accounts must be returned to the utility, JCP&L’s Basic Generation Service at the end of the contract term. 


Here’s What Happens Next:

Your electric supply service will be returned to your local utility company, JCP&L. This will happen with the next meter reading on or after November 30, 2021.  No action is required on your part.  Your electric service will continue uninterrupted.


MAEC will keep residents informed of the return of the program at a future date. All information about a new program will be mailed from MAEC to eligible residents via First Class mail through the US Postal Service.  Please remember that no one will call you on the telephone or knock on your door with information regarding the MAEC Community Energy Aggregation Program. 


Thank you for being a part of this successful program. For updated program information, please contact the program’s energy consultants at 866-688-5197 or visit the MAEC’s program web page at



Morris Area Energy Cooperative

Community Energy Aggregation Program

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