Mendham Borough No Knock Registry

Residents can elect to include their home address on Mendham Borough's No-Knock Registry. A copy of the No Knock Registry will be provided to all individuals that have applied for, and have been issued, a license allowing commercial door-to- door sales and solicitation activities in the Borough.


The No Knock Registry does not apply to door-to-door solicitations conducted by charitable, religious, or political organizations.


Link from for the No-Knock are under forms (Police) section. Residents fill out the fillable form and send to the Borough Clerk of Mendham Borough Police Department at  




Local Ordinance

§ 151-24Collection, preparation and maintenance of a nonsolicitation list.

[Amended 7-22-2019 by Ord. No. 8-19]


Collection, preparation and maintenance of a nonsolicitation list. The Office of the Borough Clerk shall collect, prepare and maintain a list of addresses of those residential premises where the owner and/or occupant has notified the Office of the Borough Clerk that soliciting and canvassing is not permitted. To be included on the nonsolicitation list, residents shall complete a registration form available from the Office of the Borough Clerk during regular business hours, Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except on weekends and legal holidays.


The Office of the Borough Clerk shall submit the nonsolicitation list to the Chief of Police to include new registrations filed by residents. The nonsolicitation list shall be distributed to all applicants seeking a license to solicit or canvass pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The licensee shall not solicit or canvass at any address on the nonsolicitation list.


Updating of nonsolicitation list. If a resident moves out of the Borough or for some other reason wishes to have his or her address removed from the nonsolicitation list, he or she must notify the Borough Clerk in writing. Upon receipt of such a request, the Borough Clerk will remove the name from the list and submit the updated list to the Chief of Police for distribution to solicitors and/or canvassers.


The nonsolicitation list applies to all solicitations in the Borough, excluding charitable solicitations addressed in Article II of this chapter.


This article may be enforced by the Borough Police and or Borough Zoning Officer. Any solicitor or canvasser violating the provisions of § 151-24 described above shall be punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment as prescribed in §§ 151-14 and 151-23 under this chapter. The permit may be suspended for a period of 30 days for the first violation and up to one year after the second violation.