Fighting Coronavirus Together – How You Can Help
A Message from Amy Perry, CEO, Hospital Division and Senior Vice President, Integrated Care Delivery,  Atlantic Health System
Amy Perry

Many members of our community have asked how they can help our front-line health care professionals who are caring for our communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Here are three things you can do right now:

1. Donate Protective Equipment

Like all health care providers across the country we need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – N95 masks and similar are in great demand, along with eye protectors, other masks, gloves, gowns - to protect our extraordinary health care professionals who are fighting COVID-19. To learn how you can donate, visit:

2. Make a Mask
Making a Mask

Many members of our community have reached out and asked if they can help us by making masks. I created a video to show you how to make masks that can be used by those in health care spaces who are not taking care of patients with Coronavirus but still may want additional protection. This will allow the professional protective gear to be used exclusively for health care professionals who are at higher risk of exposure. Learn more

Amy Perry Makes a Mask
3. Slow the Spread

Help us flatten the curve. Stay at home! Practice social distancing and frequent hand washing. These are the best steps we can take to slow the spread of the disease while protecting ourselves and our most vulnerable communities.

Flattening The Curve

Thank you for rising up to support our heroes on the front lines as we care for the communities that are relying on us during this unprecedented time.


Amy Perry
CEO, Hospital Division
Senior Vice President, Integrated Care Delivery
Atlantic Health System

Concerned You May Have COVID-19? 

Schedule a virtual visit and speak with a physician from the safety of your home.

What to Do If You're Sick
Worried About COVID-19?
What to Do to Keep Safe
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