Milling and Paving

Babbitt Road, Brookfield Way, Dayton Road, Hampton Road, Leddell Road and Ogden Road are scheduled to be milled and paved as part of the 2020 Mendham Borough Capital Improvement Program for streets and roads. Milling work is tentatively scheduled to begin on or around Thursday, July 23rd, and Friday, July 24th, weather permitting. Paving work is scheduled to begin on or around Wednesday, July 29th, and Thursday, July 30th, again weather permitting. Mendham Borough contracts all milling and paving through the Morris County Co-Op. Tilcon Construction, as in years past, received the awarded contract through the Co-Op.

As is to be expected, travel inconveniences are bound to happen. The DPW and its contractors will work to try and keep these to a minimum. Cooperation between residents and our contractors will help in expediting the milling and paving process.

  • Construction work normally begins at 7:00am (crews and trucks arrive earlier).
  • Please do not park on the street while the construction crew is working in your area.
  • If you need to enter or exit your driveway or neighborhood and the construction crew is present, please wait for either a Tilcon employee or a DPW employee to assist you.
  • One lane of traffic will be maintained throughout the construction. There may be instances throughout the day when the need arises to block the street for short periods of time. These will be kept to a minimum.
  • After milling has taken place, please be aware that manholes, water shut offs and storm water basins will be exposed. We will paint and place cones in these locations. Please slow down and go around the cones.
  • Your street will be milled for a few days before being paved. The paving crew can only work in dry weather. If we experience prolonged wet weather, your street may stay milled longer than expected.

In closing, I wish to reiterate the point that Mendham Borough and its contractors will make every effort to keep inconveniences to a minimum. If you should have any questions, please contact the Department of Public Works at 973-543-6535 weekdays between 7:00am – 3:00pm.