Dear Resident

Bliss Road & Pleasant Valley Road are scheduled to be milled and paved as part of the 2024 Mendham Borough Capital Improvement program for streets and roads. Milling work is tentatively scheduled to begin on or around Monday June 10th through Wednesday June 12th weather permitting. Paving work is scheduled to begin shortly thereafter. Again, weather permitting, Mendham Borough contracts all milling and paving through the Morris County Co-Op. Riverview Paving received the awarded contract through the Co-Op.

As is to be expected, travel inconveniences are bound to happen. The DPW and its contractors will work to try and keep these to a minimum. Cooperation between residents and our contractors will help in expediting the milling and paving process.

In closing, I wish to reiterate the point that Mendham Borough and its contractors will make every effort to keep inconveniences to a minimum. If you should have any questions, please contact the Department of Public Works at 973-543-6535 weekdays between 7:00am – 3:00pm


Peter Hafemeister

Superintendent Public Works

Message From DPW Superintendent~ PAVING
2024 Milling and paving letter.pdf

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