Recycling/Bulk Trash Update

Thank you all to those residents that were able to join us for our Council meeting last night, Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Before Council was a Resolution to approve entering a contract with Blue Diamond for bulk pick-up and recycling services which was adopted.

As we have written about before, bids for these services were received and opened on Monday, December 28, 2020.  Currently, the Borough is operating on an extension of the previous contract with Blue Diamond which expires on January 31, 2021. The Borough must finalize a contract to maintain continuity of service.  The new contract is a 5-year contract and will begin on February 1, 2021 and take us through January 31, 2026.

Before Council were the following proposals:

 The Morris County Municipal Utility Authority (“MUA”) 1 Year Contract Options

  • Pick-up of the single-stream recycling dumpsters from our Recycling Center.
  • Once-a-week single-stream recycling pick-up from homes.

Blue Diamond 5 Year Contract Options

  • Pick-up of the single-stream recycling dumpsters from our Recycling Center.
  • Once-a-week bulk pick-up from homes.
  • A combination of once-a-week bulk pick-up from homes and once-a-week single-stream recycling pick-up from homes.

The Borough is required by state statute to accept the lowest, best, and qualified bid that it receives; unqualified bids are required to be rejected.  The Borough is required by state statute to provide one system of recycling. It currently provides two.  The best price bid and service option was the Blue Diamond combined option. Maintaining the recycling center was cost prohibitive.

Council approved unanimously the combined service from Blue Diamond for once-a-week bulk pickup and once a week single-stream recycling pickup from homes.  Residents will continue to use a container of their choice and will continue to place all bulk & recycling materials in your bin as you have been doing.  Pick-up days will stay the same: Bulk Pick-up every Monday and Recycling now every Thursday.

Going forward single-stream recycling will no longer be collected at our Recycling Center.  The Center will continue to accept:

  • Grass Leaves and Books Monday – Friday 7:00am – 3:30pm and Saturday 8:00am – 3:00pm.
  • Electronics (e-waste) will be accepted Saturday 8:00am – 3:00pm. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at our email:

Thank you again for joining us last night and your inciteful questions and comments.


Christine Serrano Glassner